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Intersessional Panel Discussion on the 15th Anniversary of the Responsibility to Protect, 11 May 2021


On 24 July 2020, the Human Rights Council adopted resolution 44/14 on the 15th anniversary of the responsibility to protect populations from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity, as enshrined in the 2005 World Summit Outcome.

In this resolution, the Council decided to convene an intersessional panel discussion to mark this anniversary before its 47th session in June and July 2021.

The panel discussion will consist of an exchange of best practices on strengthening national policies and strategies to implement the responsibility to protect through national mechanisms and other stakeholders.

Date and venue

11 May 2021, 3 to 5 p.m. (Geneva time), Room XVII, Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland.


Due to the current restrictions aimed at containing the spread of COVID-19, the meeting will follow similar modalities as the 46th session of the Human Rights Council and use the Zoom platform. In-person participation will therefore be strictly limited. Participants are requested to register through INDICO:


The speaking time limit will be two minutes for all. Delegations are encouraged to deliver their statements via pre-recorded video messages. Delegations will be able to inscribe to speak and upload video messages using the online inscription system, from 09:00 CET on 6 May 2021 to 9:00 CET on 11 May 2021.

Delegations will also have the possibility of delivering their statements live by Zoom.

Delegations that deliver their statements on Zoom are invited to follow the proceedings of the meeting on the webcast. Only those delegations who are unable to pre-record video messages or participate on Zoom can exceptionally deliver their statements from Room XVII at the Palais des Nations and are invited to get in touch at to make the necessary arrangements.

Delegations inscribed on the list but unable to speak due to lack of time will have the opportunity to have their statements posted on the Human Rights Council (HRC) Extranet.

Non-governmental organizations wishing to take the floor can inscribe to speak using the online inscription system from 14:00 CET on 6 May 2021 to 9:00 CET on 11 May 2021. 

Non-governmental organizations will be able to participate in this meeting only by sending pre-recorded video statements.

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