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44th session of the Human Rights Council: Resolutions, decisions and President’s statements


Resolutions, decisions and President’s statements

Document links to the adopted texts in the first column below will work once the documents have been processed, translated and released in all six official languages of the United Nations on the Official Document System (ODS). To search for final adopted texts on ODS, enter the final number in the search field, preceded by A/HRC/RES for resolutions, A/HRC/DEC for decisions or A/HRC/PRST for President's statements.

More information about the consideration of each draft proposal, including any oral revisions, amendments, statements of programme budget implications or detailed voting results (as applicable), are available on the HRC44 Extranet (new users access).


Adopted text Title Item Draft Action taken
44/1Situation of human rights in Eritrea2A/HRC/44/L.8Adopted by a recorded vote (24 to 10, with 13 abstentions), 27th meeting, 16 July 2020
 44/2The central role of the State in responding to pandemics and other health emergencies, and the socioeconomic consequences thereof in advancing sustainable development and the realization of all human rights2A/HRC/44/L.23/Rev.1Adopted without a vote, 27th meeting, 16 July 2020
 44/3The right to education3A/HRC/44/L.1Adopted without a vote, 27th meeting, 16 July 2020
 44/4Trafficking in persons, especially women and children: strengthening human rights through enhanced protection, support and empowerment of victims of trafficking, especially women and children3A/HRC/44/L.2Adopted without a vote, 27th meeting, 16 July 2020
 44/5Mandate of the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions3A/HRC/44/L.3Adopted without a vote, 27th meeting, 16 July 2020
 44/6Elimination of discrimination against persons affected by leprosy and their family members3A/HRC/44/L.4Adopted without a vote, 27th meeting, 16 July 2020
 44/7Human rights and climate change3A/HRC/44/L.5Adopted without a vote, 27th meeting, 16 July 2020
 44/8Mandate of the Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers3A/HRC/44/L.6Adopted without a vote, 27th meeting, 16 July 2020
 44/9Independence and impartiality of the judiciary, jurors and assessors, and the independence of lawyers3A/HRC/44/L.7Adopted without a vote, 27th meeting, 16 July 2020
 44/10Special Rapporteur on the rights of persons with disabilities3A/HRC/44/L.13Adopted without a vote, 27th meeting, 16 July 2020
 44/11Mandate of the Independent Expert on human rights and international solidarity3A/HRC/44/L.15Adopted by a recorded vote (31 to 15, with 1 abstention), 27th meeting, 16 July 2020
 44/12Freedom of opinion and expression3A/HRC/44/L.18/Rev.1Adopted as orally revised without a vote, 27th meeting, 16 July 2020
 44/13Extreme poverty and human rights 3A/HRC/44/L.19Adopted without a vote, 27th meeting, 16 July 2020
 44/14Fifteenth anniversary of the responsibility to protect populations from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity, as enshrined in the 2005 World Summit Outcome3A/HRC/44/L.12Adopted as orally revised by a recorded vote (32 to 1, with 14 abstentions), 28th meeting, 17 July 2020
 44/15Business and human rights: the Working Group on the issue of human rights and transnational corporations and other business enterprises, and improving accountability and access to remedy3A/HRC/44/L.14Adopted without a vote, 28th meeting, 17 July 2020
 44/16Elimination of female genital mutilation 3A/HRC/44/L.20Adopted without a vote, 28th meeting, 17 July 2020
 44/17Elimination of all forms of discrimination against women and girls3A/HRC/44/L.21Adopted as orally revised without a vote, 28th meeting, 17 July 2020
 44/18Enhancement of international cooperation in the field of human rights3A/HRC/44/L.22Adopted by a recorded vote (30 to 15, with 2 abstentions), 28th meeting, 17 July 2020
 44/19Situation of human rights in Belarus4A/HRC/44/L.9Adopted by a recorded vote (22 to 5, with 20 abstentions), 28th meeting, 17 July 2020
 44/20The promotion and protection of human rights in the context of peaceful protests3A/HRC/44/L.11Adopted as orally revised without a vote, 29th meeting, 17 July 2020
 44/21Situation of human rights in the Syrian Arab Republic4A/HRC/44/L.10Adopted as orally revised by a recorded vote (28 to 2, with 17 abstentions), 29th meeting, 17 July 2020
 44/22The Social Forum5A/HRC/44/L.16Adopted without a vote, 29th meeting, 17 July 2020
 44/23Contribution of respect for all human rights and fundamental freedoms to achieving the purposes and upholding the principles of the Charter of the United Nations8
A/HRC/44/L.17/Rev.1Adopted by a recorded vote (41 to 0, with 6 abstentions), 29th meeting, 17 July 2020


Adopted text Title Item Draft Action taken
44/101Outcome of the universal periodic review: Spain6N/AAdopted without a vote, 25th meeting, 16 July 2020
44/102Outcome of the universal periodic review: Kuwait6N/AAdopted without a vote, 25th meeting, 16 July 2020
