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call for input | Special Procedures

Call for inputs: Country visit to Argentina (1-10 August 2022)

Issued by

Independent Expert on the effects of foreign debt


Submissions now online (See below)

Purpose: To prepare the Independent Expert's country visit to Argentina

Ms Attiya Waris was appointed Independent Expert on foreign debt, other international financial obligations and human rights by the Human Rights Council in its 46th session. She took her position on 1 August 2021.

As all Special Procedures, the Independent Expert is mandated to undertake official country visits. This visit will allow Ms Waris to assess the human rights situation from the perspective of foreign debt and other related international financial obligations. She aims to acquire on-site knowledge on the issues related to her mandate and provide insights and recommendations to the Government and other stakeholders.

In this regard, following the acceptance of the Government of Argentina, the Independent Expert will conduct the official visit from 1 to 10 August 2022.

Some topics and issues of relevance

The Independent Expert invites all stakeholders to provide views, documentation, analysis and relevant information to inform the preparation of her visit to Argentina. In particular, she invites academics, non-governmental organizations and networks, think tanks, international financial institutions and UN entities, as well as individuals, to provide inputs.

Contributions should be concise and address the specific issues of the mandate of the Independent Expert, such as:

  • Effects of foreign debt on the realization of human rights, in particular economic, social, cultural and environmental rights, at federal, and provincial levels.
  • Impacts of economic policies on people in situation of vulnerabilty and marginalized individuals and groups, both in urban and rural areas of the country. Issues related to inequalities among groups and/or regions.
  • Issues related to public spending and investment in the health, social protection,labour, and education sectors, especially in relation to the situation of women, and indigenous peoples at federal and provincial levels. Budget analysis of social sectors if available.
  • Information and analysis related to debt sustainability, debt restructuring and negotiations with international financial institutions and creditors.
  • Issues related to taxation, revenue and the use of the maximum of available resources for the realization of human rights. Progress towards achievement of SDGs.
  • Issues related to Illicit financial flows and corruption; access to information, acoountability and transparency mechanisms in this domain.
  • Information about access to information on financial and fiscal issues at the federal and provincial levels, with relevant disaggregation and, when possible, periodicity.

Treatment of responses

All responses will be posted on the official webpage of the Independent Expert unless it is indicated that the submission and/or the supporting documentation should be kept confidential.

Inputs Received

Inputs Received

See all inputs received from civil society organizations here: