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call for input | Special Procedures

Call for inputs: in advance of country visit to Canada (8 -20 April 2024)

Issued by

Special Rapporteur on the rights to water and sanitation


15 March 2024

Purpose: Assist the Special Rapporteur in the preparation of the visit


The Special Rapporteur on human rights to safe drinking water and sanitation will undertake an official visit to Canada from 8 to 20 April 2024, at the invitation of the Government. His visit aims at understanding and assessing Canada's efforts to implement the human rights to water and sanitation.


 He invites all interested individuals and organizations, including civil civil society, academia, indigenous peoples, minorities, homeless and poor people, human rights activists and academics, to provide input to assist him in the preparation of the visit.

Key questions and types of input/comments sought

  • Issues of concern related to the human rights to safe drinking water and sanitation, regarding but not limited to availability, accessibility, quality and safety, affordability, and acceptability of water for drinking and personal/domestic usage and sanitation. (documents of interest could include summarites of judicial rulings, administrative decisions, independent technical opinions, academic and research papers, and audio-visual materials).
  • Issues of interest connected to the human rights to safe drinking water and sanitation, including environmental issues, use of surface or groundwater sources, and water pollution, with particular attention to toxic contamination.
  • Potential areas to visit, such as regions, towns or communities and the justification for these suggestions.
  • Issues related to actions of Canadian mining companies in Canada and globally relating to the rights to water and sanitation.
  • Relevant organizations and individuals to meet during the visit and the justification for these suggestions.

How inputs will be used

Contributions will be kept confidential.

Next Steps

Please send your contributions in English, French or Spanish in Word format to and to

  • Please indicate “Country visit to Canada” in the email subject line; and
  • Limit your contributions to a maximum of 2,000 words and provide links to relevant documents or attach annexes if necessary.

Your contribution should be sent by no later than 15 March 2024.

Your contributions will be kept confidential. Neither you nor your organization will be identified, and your submission will not be attributed to you or your organization.