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call for input | HRC subsidiary body

Call for inputs: Justice, accountability and redress - Report of the International Independent Expert Mechanism to Advance Racial Justice and Equality in Law Enforcement

Issued by

Expert Mechanism to Advance Racial Justice and Equality in Law Enforcement


24 May 2024

Purpose: To collect information in preparation for the Expert Mechanism's annual report to the Human Rights Council at its 57th Session (9 September-9 October 2024)


Pursuant to paragraph 15 of the Human Rights Council resolution 47/21, the International Independent Expert Mechanism to advance racial justice and equality in the context of law enforcement (the Expert Mechanism) will present its third annual report at the fifty-seventh session of the Human Rights Council (9 September-9 October 2024), and subsequently transmit it to the General Assembly.

Learn more about the Expert Mechanism here.

In its upcoming report, the Expert Mechanism will explore its mandate in paragraph 11(g) and (h) of resolution 47/21, to advance racial justice and equality in the context of law enforcement globally and to contribute to accountability and redress for victims inter alia by “Making recommendations on the concrete steps needed to ensure access to justice, accountability and redress for excessive use of force and other human rights violations by law enforcement officials against Africans and people of African descent, including independent and well-resourced mechanisms to support victims of human rights violations by law enforcement officials, their families and communities” and by “Monitoring the implementation of recommendations on ending impunity for violations by law enforcement officials emanating from the report of the High Commissioner, and identifying obstacles to their full implementation”.

Key questions and types of input and comments sought

The Expert Mechanism would welcome information on promising initiatives and positive or good practices; and on obstacles, challenges and lessons learned in ensuring access to justice, accountability and redress for excessive use of force and other human rights violations by law enforcement officials, including in relation to:

  • Investigation, prosecution and sentencing, and other accountability and redress measures, including disciplinary proceedings.
  • Ensuring that examining the role of racial discrimination, stereotypes and biases is central to accountability measures.
  • The role of victims and their families during accountability processes.
  • Independent and well-resourced oversight and complaint procedures.
  • Independent and well-resourced mechanisms to support victims and communities affected.

Download the call for inputs (PDF): English | Français | Español

How inputs will be used

Unless otherwise specified, all contributions will be made available in full and as received on the public website of the Expert Mechanism. It should be noted that not all information shared will necessarily be reflected in the final report and that information falling outside the mandate will not be considered.

Next Steps

Input/comments should be sent by e-mail by 24 May 2024.

Please include hyperlinks to relevant websites, documents, statistical data, public regulations and legislation providing more detailed information.

Email address:

Email subject line:
EMLER 2024 Report

Word limit:
2500 words

File formats:
Word, PDF

Accepted languages:
English, French, Spanish, Portuguese