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A/HRC/32/25: Report of the 2016 HRC panel discussion on the progress in and challenges of addressing human rights issues to end HIV/AIDS by 2030


27 April 2016

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Persons with HIV/AIDS


The present summary report was prepared in accordance with resolution 30/8 of the Human Rights Council, in which the Council decided to convene a panel discussion on the progress in and challenges of addressing human rights issues in the context of efforts to end the HIV/AIDS epidemic by 2030. The panel discussion, organized by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, was held on 11 March 2016, at the thirty-first session of the Council. Pursuant to resolution 30/8, the Council invited the General Assembly to take the summary report into consideration ahead of and during the high-level meeting on HIV/AIDS due to take place in June 2016. The panel discussion and the contribution of the Council were also highlighted in Assembly resolution 70/228 on modalities for organizing the high-level meeting on HIV/AIDS.

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the Human Rights Council thirty-second session


United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, United Nations Secretary General