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Thematic reports

A/HRC/52/36: Human rights defenders working on albinism - Report of the Independent Expert on the enjoyment of human rights by persons with albinism


27 December 2022

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Persons with albinism


The present report, submitted in accordance with Human Rights Council resolutions 28/6 and 46/12, covers the work of human rights defenders with albinism and human rights defenders working on albinism in various regions of the world. It also includes information on numerous challenges that are experienced by human rights defenders in their line of work. Reference is made to good practices, and recommendations are made to States and other relevant stakeholders. The Independent Expert intends the present report to provide clarity on a subject that is still relatively new for people with albinism, and to empower them in their work to address the human rights challenges they face.

Issued By:

Independent Expert on the enjoyment of human rights by persons with albinism

Delivered To:

Human Rights Council, Fifty-second session