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15th session of the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples


04 - 08 July 2022


XIX, Palais des Nations


Geneva, Switzerland

The fifteenth session of the Expert Mechanism will take place from 4 to 8 July 2022 in a hybrid format. Participation can be in-person and remote. Please note that time for remote interventions will be limited. Therefore, in-person participation is encouraged.

Accreditation request for this session



Interpretation will be provided in the six UN languages for each meeting.
Captioning and international sign language will be available at all public meetings.

List of speakers for in person attendance:
Time slots to sign up for the speakers’ list will be posted on the bulletin board of room XIX and next to the registration desk (close to the podium on the right)

To register, please hand in the speakers’ list registration form (available at the entry of room XIX) and 17 copies  of your statement for interpreters and conference service staff.

List of speakers for remote attendance:
Participants attending remotely will receive and e-mail with instructions.

Speaking time will be 3 minutes. The time may be reduced to 2 minutes at the discretion of the Chair depending on the number of registrations on the speakers’ list.

Docip will provide indigenous organizations with free document translation services  for the duration of the session. All translation requests must be submitted via this form .


Draft study on treaties, agreements and other constructive arrangements, including peace accords and reconciliation initiatives, and their constitutional recognition

Concept note - Impact of Development Projects on Indigenous Women panel

Concept note - Enhancing the participation of indigenous peoples in the United Nations

Concept note - International Decade of  Indigenous Languages

Side events:

Side events will be remote only. To propose a side event please contact the Expert Mechanism at with the following information:
Link (when available):

Interpretation services in English, Spanish, French and Russian will be made available by Docip to cover the official side events of the session. All requests for interpretation must be made by completing this form . Capacity is limited, and we encourage you to make your request(s) as soon as possible.

  1. The Repatriation Movement of Ryukyuans' Human Remains - Nirai Kanai nu
    Kai, Shimin Gaikou Centre
    Date/Time: 5th July, 13:00-14:30 (Geneva)/ 20:00-21:30 (Japan)
    Language: English
    Meeting ID: 815 6540 5850
    Passcode: 804301
  2. The Militarization of Ryukyu and Human Remains - Gamafuya, Shimin Gaikou Centre
    Date/Time: 6th July, 13:00-14:30 (Geneva)/ 20:00-21:30 (Japan)
    Language: English
    Meeting ID: 841 5904 5750
    Passcode: 899612
  3. The influence of current conflict on indigenous peoples - STP / ICIPR
    Date/Time: Monday 04 July (13.00 – 14.30 Geneva time)
    Language: English/Russian
  4. The challenges of the implementation of the Free, Prior and Informed Consent in the Russian Federation - Organization: STP / ICIPR
    Date/Time: Tuesday 05 July (13.00 – 14.30 Geneva time)
    Language: English/Russian/Spanish
    Link: /
  5. Criminalization of Indigenous Peoples: Global Trends with a Focus on Colombia - Indigenous Peoples Rights International
    Date/Time: July 6, 2022 (13:30 Geneva time)
    Language: English, Spanish, French, Russian
  6. Launch of IPRI’s Digest of Legislation and Jurisprudence - Indigenous Peoples Rights International
    Date/Time: July 5th, 2022 (13:30 Geneva time)
    Language: English, Spanish, French, Russian
  7. Understanding the underlying issues of incarceration of Indigenous Peoples and the challenges in documentation and monitoring - Indigenous Peoples Rights International and the New School - Studley Graduate Program in International Affairs, New York, US.
    Date/Time: July 7, 2022 (13:30 Geneva time)
    Language: English, Spanish, French, Russian
  8. Indigenous women from the Brazilian Amazon and the social impacts of illegal mining on their lands - RCA – Rede de Cooperação Amazônica, in conjunction with COIAB - Coordenação das Organizações Indígenas da Amazônia Brasileira  /  Associação Indígena Pariri  /  Associação Kumirayoma  /  Instituto Payakan  /  Instituto Socioambiental – ISA  /  Iepé – Instituto de Pesquisa e Formação Indígena (with consultative status with the Ecosoc)
    Day/Time: July 8, 2022. 03 PM (Geneva)
    Language: Portuguese with simultaneous translation into English
  9. Realizing UN Declaration Implementation Legislation in Canada - Canadian Coalition for the Human Rights of Indigenous Peoples
    Date/Time: Wednesday July 6, 1:30 pm Geneva time.
    Language: English
  10. Derechos Humanos de los Pueblos Indígenas en Aislamiento Voluntario en la Amazonia y el Gran Chaco - The International Working Group for the Protection of Indigenous Peoples in Isolation, and Initial Contact (GT-PIACI) - Land is Life
    Date/Time: 6 July 2022, at 13:15 to 14:30 (Time in Geneva)
    Language: Spanish, English, Portuguese
  11. Closing the Gap in Australia - NSW Aboriginal Land Council
    Date/Time: 5 July, 1.30pm
    Language: English
  12. Enhancing the participation of Indigenous Peoples’ representative institutions in the United Nations - Temporary Committee for the Indigenous Coordinating Body for Enhanced Participation in the United Nations
    Date/Time: Thursday, July 7, 13:15 - 14:45
    Language: English, interpretation TBC
  13. "Exploring Genuine Security and Access to Justice: The Impact of Military Bases on the Well-being of Indigenous Women and Girls" - FIMI, the Pacific Indigenous Women's Network, and the Association of Comprehensive Studies for Independence of the Lewchewans (ACSILs)
    Date/Time: July 5, 2022 from 13:00 to 15:00
    Language: English, Japanese, and Spanish
  14. "Avances y desafíos en la lucha para erradicar  la Discriminación y el Racismo" en conmemoración de los 20 años de la CODISRA y la 15 sesión del MEPDI - Comisión Presidencial contra la Discriminación y el Racismo de Guatemala (CODISRA)
    Date/Time: 7 de julio de 18:00 a 19:00 (hora de Ginebra),
    Language: español
  15. Building the UNDRIP into the pledge for Indigenous Peoples at COP26 in Glasgow - Charapa Consult
    Date/time: Tuesday 5 July 2022, at 13h00 – 14h00
    Languages: English, French and Spanish
    Link: Charapa - Indigenous peoples’ tenure rights and forest guardianship
  16. Free, Prior and Informed Consent - Australian Greens
    Date/Time: Thursday July 7, 2022 Geneva: 10am - Melbourne: 6pm - Perth: 4pm
    Language: English
  17. Agreements between industrial companies and indigenous peoples: FPIC practices and capacity building - Union of Indigenous Peoples "SOYUZ"
    Day/Time: Thursday, 7 July 13.30 – 14.45 (Geneva time)
    Language: Russian / English
  18. The situation of Indigenous Languages in Bangladesh: Challenges and Way Forward - Bangladesh Indigenous Language Decade Observance Committee
    Date/Time: 5 July Tuesday, 2 PM-3:30 PM Geneva time/ 6 PM-7:30 PM Dhaka time online
    Language: English
    Zoom Link:
  19. Strengthening democracies in Asia through the recognition of Indigenous People's right to self-determination enshrined in the UNDRIP - Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP)
    Date/Time: 13.30 to 14.30
    Language: English
    Register in advance for this meeting:
  20. OHCHR Indigenous Fellows in Action - Global Network of IP Fellows
    Date/Time: Thursday, 08 July 2022 at 13:00-15:00
    Language: English, Spanish, French
    Meeting ID: 894 7967 8877
    Passcode: 591947
  21. Challenges for Indigenous Human Rights Defenders - Colombian and Mexican Experiences - International Committee for the Indigenous Peoples of the Americas (Incomindios)
    Date/Time: 6 July 2022 / 16:30h-18:00 Geneva time
    Language: Spanish, Interpretation in English
  22. State’s act of suppression and domination - A case of Indigenous Tharu Peoples struggles for justice and human rights in Nepal - Global Home for Indigenous Peoples
    Date/Time: July 6, 2022, 7:30 pm (Geneva Time)
    Language: English
  23. CEDAW for the rights of Indigenous Women and Girls - FIMI (International Forum of Indígenous Women) and ECMIA (Enlace Continental de Mujeres Indígenas de las Américas)
    Date/Time: 06 July 2022, 13:00- 15:00 Geneva time
    Language: English, Spanish and French
    Link (Zoom) :
  24. Hybrid expert seminar on indigenous peoples: EMRIP study on treaties Assessment - Geneva for Human Rights, Global Training & Policy Studies
    Date/Time:Friday 8th of July    13.00-15.00
    Language: English 
    Link: Join Zoom Meeting  (Meeting ID: 437 072 1411)
    Location: or In person @CICG-CAV 1 rue de Varembé, Ground Floor, Place des Nations