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Membership of the Human Rights Council 19 June 2007 - 18 June 2008 by year when term expires

Brazil 2008
France 2008
Gabon 2008
Ghana 2008
Guatemala 2008
Japan 2008
Mali 2008
Pakistan 2008
Peru 2008
Republic of Korea 2008
Romania 2008
Sri Lanka 2008
Ukraine 2008
United Kingdom 2008
Zambia 2008
Azerbaijan 2009
Bangladesh 2009
Cameroon 2009
Canada 2009
China 2009
Cuba 2009
Djibouti 2009
Germany 2009
Jordan 2009
Malaysia 2009
Mauritius 2009
Mexico 2009
Nigeria 2009
Russian Federation 2009
Saudi Arabia 2009
Senegal 2009
Switzerland 2009
Uruguay 2009
Angola 2010
Bolivia 2010
Bosnia and Herzegovina 2010
Egypt 2010
India 2010
Indonesia 2010
Italy 2010
Madagascar 2010
Netherlands 2010
Nicaragua 2010
Philippines 2010
Qatar 2010
Slovenia 2010
South Africa 2010