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UN expert on debt and human rights to visit Argentina


23 September 2022

GENEVA (23 September 2022)– The UN Independent Expert on foreign debt, other financial obligations and human rights, Attiya Waris, will conduct a country visit to Argentina from 26 September to 5 October 2022.

During her 10-day visit, Waris will examine the impact that foreign debt, fiscal issues and economic reforms have had on the human rights situation in the country, and measures taken to address them over the last decade.

The Independent Expert is visiting Argentina at the invitation of the Government. The UN expert will examine matters related to her mandate, as per resolutions 43/10 and 49/15 of the Human Rights Council, notably debt and fiscal issues, from a human rights perspective.

“I look forward to engaging with Argentinian authorities, civil society, private actors and the international community," Waris said. "My visit is aimed at examining how the country has taken on board various international human rights standards in its economic policies.”

The expert will meet with authorities at the federal, provincial and city level. She is due to travel to the provinces of Jujuy and Buenos Aires, and will meet with authorities of the autonomous city of Buenos Aires as well.

Waris will hold a press conference on 5 October at 11 a.m. to share her preliminary findings at the Salon Rojo of the Law Faculty of the University of Buenos Aires, Av. Pres. Figueroa Alcorta, 2263, Ciudad de Buenos Aires, planta principal. Access will be strictly limited to accredited journalists. Journalists will need to email: to register for the press conference.

The Independent Expert will submit a report including her findings and recommendations to the UN Human Rights Council's 52nd session in March 2023.
