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Press releases Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights


28 August 2002

28 August 2002

United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Mary Robinson will travel to South Africa from 29 August to 3 September to take part in the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD).

Mrs. Robinson is scheduled to address the plenary of the Summit on Thursday, 29 August, in the afternoon. In her statement she will underline how, in the decade since the Rio Summit, human rights standards have become central to environmental protection and sustainable development. Later in the day, Mrs. Robinson will receive an honorary doctorate from the University of South Africa.

On Friday, 30 August, the High Commissioner will take part in, among other activities, a panel discussion on “HIV/AIDS, Human Capacity and Sustainable Development”, organized by UNAIDS.

On Saturday, 31 August, Mrs. Robinson will open a workshop on “NEPAD, Human Rights and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights”. The session will attempt to analyze the main issues relating to the concept of mutual accountability in the implementation of the New Partnership for African Development (NEPAD) commitments on human rights, rule of law and administration of justice. The workshop will include representatives of African intergovernmental organizations, civil society groups and the United Nations system. That evening, at the Presidential Guest House in Pretoria, the High Commissioner will speak on “Women, Human Rights and Sustainable Development in the 21st Century” before women leaders from Africa, parliamentarians, women cabinet Ministers, members of the diplomatic community in South Africa, grassroots organizations and academics.

On Sunday, 1 September, Mrs. Robinson will be the keynote speaker at a non-governmental organization workshop on “Human Rights and the Environment”. The event is part of the Civil Society Forum of the WSSD.

Monday, 2 September, will see the participation of the High Commissioner in the High-Level Segment of the WSSD, focusing on the question of “Mobilizing Investment: The Least Developed Countries”.

On 3 September the High Commissioner will participate in a high-level roundtable on “Biodiversity, Cultural Diversity and Ethics”, organized by the United Nations Environment Prgoramme, the United Nations Educational, Social and Cultural Organization and the Government of France. She will also pay a courtesy visit on Nelson Mandela.

Throughout the visit, the High Commissioner is scheduled to hold a number of bilateral meetings, including with Presidents Vicente Fox of Mexico and Fernando Henrique Cardoso of Brazil.

For more information, please contact José Luis Díaz on + 41 79 217 3009 (also in South Africa)

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