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Press releases Multiple Mechanisms

High Commissioner for Human Rights welcomes Australia's decision to invite special envoy to visit detention camp

11 February 2002


United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Mary Robinson said today that she appreciated the Australian Government's decision to accept a visit to the Woomera detention centre by her envoy Justice Prafullachandra Natwarlal Bhagwati.

In a letter to Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer, Mrs. Robinson also welcomed the Government's decision to invite the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention to visit the country between May and August of this year. Mrs. Robinson agreed that the visit of Justice Bhagwati could take place alongside that of the Working Group.

However, she added, "given the circumstances I hope that a visit will take place no later than May". Mrs Robinson said she had received a petition from over 600 detainees at the Woomera detention centre requesting a visit by her Office.

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