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UN Committee on Enforced Disappearances to review Greece, Niger and adopt visit report on Mexico


25 March 2022

GENEVA (25 March 2022) - The UN Committee on Enforced Disappearances (CED) will hold its upcoming session from 28 March to 8 April, during which it will review Greece, Niger and adopt its visit report on Mexico.

The session will begin on 28 March at 10:00 am Geneva time with a public meeting to pay tribute to victims of enforced disappearance. On this occasion, the Committee will share a video of its recent visit to Mexico to highlight the urgent need to eradicate disappearances and combat the impunity that persists in the country, where more than 99,400 people are reported to have disappeared. It will also launch its Manual on Reporting under the International Convention for the Protection of all Persons from Enforced Disappearance.

During the dialogues with Greece and Niger, the Committee and a Delegation of the State party will discuss and analyse the reports submitted to the Committee on the measures taken to address and prevent enforced disappearances. The dialogues will take place as follows:

28 March 15:00-18:00 Geneva time
29 March 10:00-13:00

29 March 15:00-18:00
30 March 10:00-13:00

The above public dialogues will be livecast on UN WebTV. More information about the upcoming 22nd session, including reports submitted by the State parties, is now available on the session page.

After the session, the Committee will hold a press conference in Geneva on 12 April at 4 pm Geneva time to publish its findings on the above three countries.



The Committee on Enforced Disappearances monitors States parties’ adherence to the International Convention for the Protection of all Persons from Enforced Disappearance. The Committee is made up of 10 members who are independent human rights experts drawn from around the world, who serve in their personal capacity and not as representatives of States parties.
