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Dominican Republic: UN experts condemn detention and deportation of pregnant and postpartum Haitian women


12 September 2023

GENEVA (12 September 2023) – Pregnant and postpartum Haitian women seeking medical care and assistance are facing intimidation, detention and deportation in the Dominican Republic, UN experts* warned today.

“We are particularly alarmed by reports of arrests, detention and deportation of Haitian migrant women who are pregnant or who have recently given birth in the Dominican Republic,” the experts said.

The women were allegedly arrested during their medical check-ups, by officials of the General Directorate of Migration who conducted raids in public hospitals in Santo Domingo and other parts of the country. Some women were allegedly deported immediately, without an opportunity to appeal the decision. Others were briefly transferred to detention centers before deportation. The experts also received reports that several unaccompanied minors were being deported to Haiti.

They warned that constraints on provision of essential health services, including pre-natal and post-natal follow-up care, has serious negative effects on women and children’s health.

“The fear of deportation may deter irregular Haitian migrant women from seeking medical assistance when they need it, limiting their access to health services and endangering their lives,” the experts said.

“It is vital to establish firewalls between migration control and public services, so that all migrants, regardless of their status, can access essential services without fear of detection, detention or deportation,” the experts said.

They warned that the discriminatory practices would subject Haitian migrant women and children to risks of refoulement and human rights abuses without individualised and objective risk assessment.

The principle of non-refoulement, enshrined in the Convention against Torture and other international treaties, which applies to all forms of expulsion, regardless of nationality or migration status.

“The Dominican Republic must end the intimidation, detention and deportation of pregnant migrant women seeking medical care,” the experts said.

