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Bolivia: More international support urged to bolster democracy


28 June 2024

GENEVA (28 June 2024) – Military leaders seeking to seize power and overturn the constitutional order should be condemned and this week’s apparent coup attempt in Bolivia was the latest example of an unacceptable trend, the UN Independent Expert on the promotion of a democratic and equitable international order said today.

Condemning Wednesday’s attempted storming of the presidential palace as an alarming attack on democracy, George Katrougalos urged the international community to show robust commitment to supporting Bolivia’s democratic institutions.

“The region has paid a heavy price under military rule, characterised by flagrant human rights violations, rampant corruption, and authoritarian despotism. Such dark days must never return. Never again,” Katrougalos said.

He praised the widespread popular mobilisation against the attack. “The people of Bolivia have shown remarkable resilience and commitment to democracy, ensuring that the coup attempt did not succeed.”

The Independent Expert urged Bolivians to remain vigilant and mobilised in defence of democracy and their constitutional order. “I call upon the people of Bolivia to continue their defence of democracy and constitutional order, and I appeal for stronger international support,” he said.

In alignment with international law and in accordance with Article 1 of the Inter-American Democratic Charter, Katrougalos said that “the peoples of the Americas have a right to democracy and their governments have an obligation to promote and defend it”.
