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​This yearly report provides updated information on the system of Special Procedures as a whole, its achievements, as well as facts and figures on for example country visits, thematic reports, etc,. It gives a comprehensive overview of the activities undertaken by special procedures in the reporting period, both individually and as a system, including country visits, communications, thematic reports, follow-up activities, joint actions, development of international standards and advocacy. The report also outlines the work of the Coordination Committee and gives a summary of the main issues discussed at the annual meetings of special procedures, which are usually held in June of each year.

  • 2023: Report on the activities of special rapporteurs, independent experts and working groups of the special procedures of the Human Rights Council in 2023, including updated information on special procedures (A/HRC/55/69) and Facts and Figures with regard to the special procedures in 2023 (A/HRC/55/69/Add.1)
  • 2022: Report on the activities of special rapporteurs, independent experts and working groups of the special procedures of the Human Rights Council in 2022, including updated information on special procedures (A/HRC/52/70) and Facts and Figures with regard to the special procedures in 2022 (A/HRC/52/70/Add.1)
  • 2021: Report on the activities of special rapporteurs, independent experts and working groups of the special procedures of the Human Rights Council in 2021, including updated information on special procedures (A/HRC/49/82) and Facts and Figures with regard to the special procedures in 2021 (A/HRC/49/82/Add.1)
  • 2020: Report on the activities of special rapporteurs, independent experts and working groups of the special procedures of the Human Rights Council in 2020, including updated information on special procedures (A/HRC/46/61) and Facts and Figures with regard to the special procedures in 2020 (A/HRC/46/61/Add.1)
  • 2019: Report on the twenty-sixth annual meeting of special rapporteurs, independent experts and chairpersons of working groups of the special procedures of the Human Rights Council (Geneva, 17 to 21 June 2019), including updated information on special procedures (A/HRC/43/64) and Facts and Figures with regard to the special procedures in 2019 (A/HRC/43/64/Add.1)
  • 2018: Report on the twenty-fifth annual meeting of special rapporteurs, independent experts and chairpersons of working groups of the special procedures of the Human Rights Council (Geneva, 4 to 8 June 2018), including updated information on special procedures (A/HRC/40/38) and Facts and Figures with regard to the special procedures in 2018 (A/HRC/40/38/Add.1)
  • 2017: Report on the twenty-fourth annual meeting of special rapporteurs, independent experts and chairpersons of working groups of the special procedures of the Human Rights Council (Geneva, 27 to 30 June 2017), including updated information on special procedures (A/HRC/37/37) and Facts and Figures with regard to the special procedures in 2017 (A/HRC/37/37/Add.1)
  • 2016: Report on the twenty-third annual meeting of special rapporteurs/representatives, independent experts and chairpersons of working groups of the special procedures of the Human Rights Council (Geneva, 6 to 10 June 2016), including updated information on special procedures (A/HRC/34/34) and Facts and Figures with regard to the special procedures in 2016 (A/HRC/34/34/Add.1)
  • 2015: Report on the twenty-second annual meeting of special rapporteurs/representatives, independent experts and working groups of the special procedures of the Human Rights Council, including updated information on the special procedures (1 January to 31 December 2015) (A/HRC/31/39)
  • 2014: Report on the twenty-first annual meeting of special rapporteurs/representatives, independent experts and working groups of the special procedures of the Human Rights Council, including updated information on the special procedures (1 January to 31 December 2014) (A/HRC/28/41)