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As per Human Rights Council resolution A/HRC/32/2, the Independent Expert is mandated to conduct country visits.

Dates of country visits of the Independent Expert are indicated below when they have been confirmed with the host country.

Country visits of the Independent Expert:

CountryMission datesReportPress release/Press statement
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland24 April to 5 May 2023A/HRC/56/49/ADD.1End of mission statement
Press release
Cambodia10 to 20 January 2023A/HRC/56/49/ADD.2End of mission statement
Press release
United States of America15-26 August 2022A/HRC/56/49/ADD.3End of mission statement
Press release
Tunisia8-18 June 2021A/HRC/50/27/Add.1Press release
End of Mission Statement
Ukraine30 April to 10 May 2019A/HRC/44/53/Add.1Press release
End of Mission Statement
Mozambique3 to 10 December 2018A/HRC/41/45/Add.2Press release
End of Mission Statement
Georgia25 September to 5 October 2018A/HRC/41/45/Add.1Press Release
End of Mission Statement
Argentina1-10 March 2017A/HRC/38/43/Add.1Media Advisory
Press Release
End of Mission Statement