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The Special Rapporteur submits annual thematic reports to the June session of the Human Rights Council (HRC) and to the General Assembly (GA) in October. Thematic reports document the Special Rapporteur’s findings on particular topics and provide guidance and recommendations for UN member States, civil society organizations and other stakeholders.  

YearPresentedSubject of the reportReport and related links
2024HRC 56th sessionPlanned relocations of people in the context of the adverse effects of climate change and disastersA/HRC/56/47 (Advance unedited version)
2023GA 78th sessionThematic priorities of the UN Special Rapporteur on the human rights of internally displaced persons, Paula Gaviria BetancurA/78/245
HRC 53rd sessionVision and thematic priorities: addressing new challenges and consolidating gainsA/HRC/53/35
2022GA 77th sessionReflections of the Special Rapporteur on her tenure and development-induced displacement and the human rights of internally displaced personsA/77/182
HRC 50th sessionThe right of internally displaced persons to participate in electoral processes, particularly the right to vote and to stand in elections 


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2021GA 76th sessionPrevention of arbitrary displacement in situations of armed conflict and generalized violenceA/76/169

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HRC 47th sessionHousing, land and property issues in the context of internal displacementA/HRC/47/37
2020GA 75th sessionInternal displacement in the context of the slow-onset adverse effects of climate change


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HRC 44th sessionPersons with disabilities in the context of internal displacement


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2019GA 74th sessionProtection of internally displaced children


A/74/261/Corr.1 - Corrigendum

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HRC 41st sessionInternal displacement and the role of national human rights institutions


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 Global and national activities under the twentieth anniversary of the Guiding Principles on Internal DisplacementA/HRC/41/40/Add.1
2018GA 73rd sessionInternal displacement and transitional justice


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HRC 38th sessionTwentieth anniversary of the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement: an agenda for strategic and joint actionA/HRC/38/39
2017GA 72nd sessionThematic priorities and enhancing the participation of IDPs


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HRC 35th sessionRoadmap for the next three years: thematic priorities of the new mandate-holderA/HRC/35/27
2016GA 71st sessionOutcomes and commitments on internal displacement of the World Humanitarian SummitA/71/279
HRC 32nd sessionProgress and challenges relating to the human rights of IDPsA/HRC/32/35
2015GA 70th sessionGovernance structures for internal displacementA/70/334
HRC 29th sessionHuman rights of internally displaced persons in the context of the Post-2015 development agendaA/HRC/29/34
2014GA 69th sessionAchieving durable solutions for internally displaced persons in urban settingsA/69/295
HRC 26th sessionThe Kampala Convention: a road map for action



2013GA 68th sessionDurable solutions for internally displaced persons: advancing the agenda: addressing the role of humanitarian and development actors in achieving durable solutions for internally displaced persons through peacebuilding in the aftermath of conflictA/68/225
HRC 23th sessionInternally displaced women: progress, challenges and the way aheadA/HRC/23/44
2012GA 67th sessionEvolution, challenges and trends in internal displacementA/67/289
HRC 19th sessionA more systematized and equitable response to internally displaced persons outside camps A/HRC/19/54
2011GA 66th sessionClimate change and internal displacementA/66/285
HRC 16th sessionLooking forward: addressing new challenges and consolidating gainsA/HRC/16/43
2010HRC 13rd sessionInternal displacement in 2010: What are the major challenges?
Framework on durable solutions for internally displaced persons
 Framework on durable solutions for internally displaced personsA/HRC/13/21/Add.4
2009GA 64th sessionClimate change and displacementA/64/214
HRC 10th sessionThe status of the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement 10 years after their submission to the Commission on Human Rights; the protection of persons displaced by natural disaster; and the inclusion of the issue of internal displacement and the people it affects in peace processesA/HRC/10/13
 Protection of internally displaced persons in situations of natural disastersA/HRC/10/13/Add.1
 High-level conference on “Ten years of the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement - achievements and future challenges” (Oslo, 16 and 17 October 2008): summary of the Conference ChairA/HRC/10/13/Add.3
2008GA 63rd sessionTenth anniversary of the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement: major accomplishments of the past decade and remaining challenges to improved protection for the rights of displaced personsA/63/286
HRC 8th sessionReview of the background to the mandate, major achievements and outline of future workA/HRC/8/6
2007GA 62nd sessionInternal displacement and peace processesA/62/227
HRC 4th sessionEvolution of the conceptual and normative framework on the protection of the internally displacedA/HRC/4/38
 Operational Guidelines on Human Rights and Natural DisastersA/HRC/4/38/Add.1
 First Regional Conference on Internal Displacement in West Africa (Abuja - 26-28 April 2006)A/HRC/4/38/Add.4
2006GA 61st sessionThe mandate to engage in dialogue with Governments, mainstream the human rights of IDPs into all parts of the United Nations system and promote the dissemination, recognition and use of the Guiding Principles.A/61/276
2005GA 60th sessionInternal displacement as a result of natural disastersA/60/338
Commission on Human Rights 61st sessionThe meaning and challenges of “protection” for IDPsE/CN.4/2005/84
 Inter-Governmental Conference on internal displacement in the Americas (Mexico City, 18-20 February, 2004)E/CN.4/2005/124
2004Commission on Human Rights 60th sessionProgress and future challenges for the mandateE/CN.4/2004/77
 Conference on Internal Displacement in the IGAD Sub-Region, Experts Meeting (30 August – 1 September 2003 )E/CN.4/2004/77/Add.4
2003Commission on Human Rights 59th sessionTenth year of the mandate - Progress made over the last decade and the challenges that remain to be overcome in responding effectively to the global crisis of internal displacementE/CN.4/2003/86
 International Conference on Internal Displacement in the Russian FederationE/CN.4/2003/86/Add.5
 Seminar on Internal Displacement in Southern SudanE/CN.4/2003/86/Add.6
2002Commission on Human Rights 58th sessionMain developments in relation to the mandate of the Representative of the Secretary-General on internally displaced personsE/CN.4/2002/95
2001GA 56th sessionMain developments in relation to the mandate of the Representative of the Secretary-General on internally displaced personsA/56/168
Commission on Human Rights 57th sessionRegional Workshop on Internal Displacement
in the South Caucasus
2000Commission on Human Rights 56th sessionWorkshop on Implementing the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement (Bogotá, Colombia - 27 to 29 May 1999)E/CN.4/2000/83/Add.2
1999GA 54th sessionMain developments in relation to the mandate of the Representative of the Secretary-General on internally displaced personsA/54/409
Commission on Human Rights 55th sessionWorkshop on Internal Displacement in Africa (Addis Ababa, 19-20 October 1998)E/CN.4/1999/79/Add.2
1996GA 51st sessionMain developments in relation to the mandate of the Representative of the Secretary-General on internally displaced personsA/51/483
1995GA 50th sessionMain developments in relation to the mandate of the Representative of the Secretary-General on internally displaced personsA/50/558
1994GA 49th sessionMain developments in relation to the mandate of the Representative of the Secretary-General on internally displaced personsA/49/538
1993GA 48th sessionMain developments in relation to the mandate of the Representative of the Secretary-General on internally displaced personsA/48/579