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Statements Human Rights Council

Remarks of HRC President for the Inauguration of the Yoga Photo Exhibition, Geneva, 24 June, 18.00 pm

24 June 2015

Distinguished Colleagues,
Ladies and gentlemen,

It is my pleasure to be here with you today at the inauguration of the Yoga photo exhibition to commemorate the International Day of Yoga, as established last year by GA resolution 69/131.  Let me start by thanking the Permanent Mission of India and especially Ambassador Ajit Kumar for inviting me and for setting up this interesting and unique exhibition to disseminate the message of yoga in the world.

On the surface, the modern yoga and human rights movements evolved with vastly different goals in mind. But they can work powerfully, beautifully together. In Sanskrit yoga means "to join," "to unite"; it promotes respect for one’s fellow human beings and for the planet we share. When we practice together, we breathe and move as one. The same thing happens when many individuals come together to speak with one voice for human rights.

As noted by the Secretary-General “By proclaiming 21 June as the International Day of Yoga, the General Assembly has recognized the holistic benefits of this timeless practice and its inherent compatibility with the principles and values of the United Nations."  And through our resolutions in the Human Rights Council we have also many times acknowledged the compatibility between sports, human rights and the right to health.

The potential impact of linking yoga and human rights is aptly highlighted through this exhibition.

Thank you.