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GAAMAC IV: Strengthening national efforts to address hate speech, discrimination and prevent incitement


15 November 2021
Delivered by: Michelle Bachelet, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (Video message)

Hate speech, discrimination and incitement to hatred are among the main drivers of atrocity crimes. As recognized by your meeting, it is critical to prevent and address them.  

But this fundamental task is accompanied by a fundamental challenge.

Across the globe,   cases of harmful incitement frequently go unprosecuted. On the other hand, under the pretext of engaging in hate speech those who dares to criticize the authorities are prosecuted.

The Rabat Plan of Action, developed by my Office and independent experts, sets out the right balance between protecting freedom of expression and prohibiting incitement to hatred. It provides a threshold test for States and other actors to assess statements, on a case-by-case basis, both offline and online. I encourage you to follow it.

It is also crucial that  social media platforms  meet their human rights responsibilities, notably under the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

My Office has stepped up efforts in that regard, but we need further cooperation in these efforts, including from networks like the GAMAAC. I count on your support. 

Thank you.
