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19th International Dialogue on Population and Sustainable Development


17 November 2021
Delivered by: Michelle Bachelet, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

Greetings to all of you at this International Dialogue.

I welcome this year’s discussion, where young people will be contributing their views on how to overcome barriers to their sexual and reproductive health and rights.

Let me say it from the outset: nothing about young people should be decided without young people.

Everywhere in the world, it is young people who are pushing us forward.

From climate action to an end to discrimination to the respect of human rights for all.

We must provide them with the knowledge and opportunities they need to continue advocating for more resilient, inclusive, and sustainable societies, where women and girls live free from violence and are free to make informed choices about their lives, their bodies and their sexuality.

Youth empowerment is important because it will determine what the future will hold.
