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UDHR75 in Action: End arbitrary detention


04 January 2023
Delivered by: UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Türk

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Türk. © OHCHR

As I marked the beginning of this new year with my family, my thoughts went to those whose loved ones are languishing in detention facilities – imprisoned for exercising their human rights. This includes people working in defence of the environment, on climate action, those calling out discrimination, those speaking up against abuses and corruption, journalists jailed for doing their essential work, and human rights defenders.

At the start of this year – the 75th anniversary year of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights – I call on governments and all detaining authorities, globally, to amnesty, pardon or simply release all those detained for exercising their rights.

Reach into your hearts, review their cases, and make a choice to begin this year with a step in the direction of the vision of the Universal Declaration. A world in which all people live free and equal, in dignity and rights.

I call on all those in power to put the UDHR in action – and to end arbitrary detention once and for all.

UN Human Rights Chief Volker Türk calls for release of all those arbitrarily detained