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World Humanitarian Day: Statement by Volker Türk


18 August 2023
Delivered by: Volker Türk, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights


At the core of humanitarian action and UN work more generally lies compassion, empathy and solidarity.

We are driven by a commitment to alleviate human suffering and to protect human dignity.

No matter what.

Today’s commemoration is a deeply painful one.

Twenty years ago, we lost 22 of our colleagues when a bomb ripped through the United Nations headquarters in the Canal Hotel in Baghdad, Iraq.

Two decades of loss and heartache for the people who loved them.

Two decades of asking – again, and again - how, and why.

And while the grief may ease with the passage of time, it never truly departs.

My thoughts are with the survivors and the families and loved ones of the people whose lives were cut too short.

Their loss will be forever mourned.

I honour the thousands of colleagues who work every day amidst conflict or disaster with the sole objective of saving lives and helping the people who need help most.

World Humanitarian Day is a reminder of the selflessness and dedication of the people who have paid the ultimate price.

Data released yesterday paints a harrowing picture: in 2022, a total of 444 aid workers were victims of violence.

There were 235 separate attacks. 116 were killed. 143 were injured.

And 185 were kidnapped.

This is deliberate violation of international law. We need it to stop. We need better duty of care. And we need accountability.

Humanitarian work is a choice, not an obligation – an active choice to work, often amidst extreme danger. A decision to bear witness to the depths of human suffering, to speak out when needed, to help based on need alone.

No matter who. No matter where.

I am inspired by their strength, resilience and deep commitment to our shared humanity.

Today, we honour the memory of those we lost too soon, and stand in solidarity with those who continue to work despite the odds. You ensure respect for our fellow human beings, you restore hope, and you rebuild dignity.

Thank you for the work that you do.
