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Young people, tell us what impact COVID-19 has on your rights

27 April 2020

Person on a scooter

UN Human Rights has joined the Global Initiative on Decent Jobs for Youth and its partners to hear directly from young people what effects the COVID-19 pandemic has on their rights, and to bring youth voices to the forefront of policy responses.


The Decent Jobs for Youth partners created a survey that focuses on four main areas of interest to young people: how the outbreak affects their employment and learning situation and aspirations; the effects on their psychological well-being and mental health; their engagement in social activism and volunteerism in this time of pandemic; and their opinions on responses taken so far and their expectations on the role of authorities.

The survey targets young people from all countries and backgrounds, actively engaged in economic activities in all sectors and industries, in school, and those not in employment, education and training (NEET).

The survey is available in 17 languages and closes on 21 May 2020. The results will be shared widely to help inform our constituents and Decent Jobs for Youth partners.

“To build back better we must put young people’s rights at the heart of responses to COVID-19,” said Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights, Nada Al-Nashif. “We want to hear what young people’s experiences of the pandemic have been, how it is affecting their rights, how they can help and what they would like to see Governments and policy-makers doing.”

27 April 2020

Person on a scooter