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The Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination holds regular thematic discussions on issues related to racial discrimination and the Convention. During these thematic discussions, the Committee holds an informal meeting to allow States parties, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations wishing to do so to express their views on the subject. The Committee then continues the thematic discussion in a public plenary meeting.

The Committee receives written information from NGOs on the subject under discussion and NGOs wishing to make a 5-minute oral intervention during the meeting should inform the Secretariat of the Committee and provide an electronic version and 20 hard copies of their oral intervention.

Past discussions have focused on the following topics:

Year Topic Summary records
2022 Racial discrimination and the right to health
More about this topic
SR.2914 | SR.2915
2017 Racial Discrimination in Today's World: Racial profiling, ethnic cleansing and current global issues and challenges
More about this topic
2012 Racist hate speech
More about this topic
SR.2196 | SR.2197
2011 Racial discrimination against People of African descent
More about this topic
SR.2080 | SR.2081
2008 4 - 5 August 2008: Thematic discussion on "special measures / affirmative action"
Info note in English (Word)
2005 Declaration on the prevention of genocide
CERD/C/66/1 (Word)
SR.1683 | SR.1684
2005 Follow up procedure to the Declaration on Prevention of Genocide - Indicators of Systematic and massive patterns of racial discrimination
CERD/C/67/1 (Word)
2004 Non-citizens and racial discrimination SR.1624 |SR.1625
2002 Discrimination based on descent SR.1531
2000 Discrimination against Roma SR.1422 | SR.1423