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About the Fellowship Programme

The United Nations Human Rights Office manages two Humanitarian Funds: the United Nations Voluntary Trust Fund on Contemporary Forms of Slavery  and United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture. Each Fund is mandated to channel voluntary contributions towards direct assistance for survivors of these human rights violations, through grants to civil society organizations.

The Humanitarian Funds run a fellowship programme, which aims to give young professionals with experience in organizations that provide services to survivors of contemporary forms of slavery and/or torture, the opportunity to expand their knowledge and skills on addressing these issues within the United Nations system.

Through this programme, fellows will gain working-level experience with the United Nations human rights system in the field of slavery and torture, including the evaluation and management of grants.

Call for applications

  • This call for applications (open from 15 February to 24 March 2024) is for two fellowship positions, assigned to the Humanitarian Funds Secretariat, within the United Nations Human Rights Office, based in Geneva, Switzerland.
  • The two fellowship positions will be offered from 01 August 2024 to 31 July 2025 and from 01 January 2025 to 31 December 2025 (with a probationary period of two months). An extension of up to one additional year may be possible, pending on availability of funds.

The fellow will contribute to the work of the Humanitarian Funds including through the following:

  • Evaluate and analyse project applications and liaise with applicant organizations to provide technical assistance as required;
  • Conduct substantive research on and analysis of developments concerning contemporary forms of slavery and torture in specific contexts;
  • Review, record and compile information on best practices and lessons learned from grantees of the Funds;
  • Contribute to outreach efforts, and prepare and translate promotional material to increase the visibility of both Funds (website updates, brochures, social media posts, impact stories, etc.);
  • Help organize and participate in the annual sessions of the Funds’ Boards of Trustees, including public events and policy discussions;
  • Contribute to the work of other parts of the United Nations Human Rights Office as required.


The selected candidates will be entitled to a monthly stipend that will cover basic living expenses in Geneva, as well as return ticket from/to the country of residence and basic health insurance.


To qualify for the fellowships, applicants must possess the following criteria:


  • At least two years of experience in human rights issues related to contemporary forms of slavery and/or torture is required.
  • Experience in providing support to survivors of contemporary forms of slavery and/or torture is desirable.
  • Experience in project management is desirable.


  • Working level of spoken and written English is required.
  • Fluency in French or Spanish is desirable.
  • Knowledge of another United Nations language (Arabic, Chinese or Russian) is also desirable.


  • Knowledge of the United Nations system is desirable.

Survivors of contemporary forms of slavery or torture who are providing support to other survivors are strongly encouraged to apply.

Qualified candidates with relevant working experience or collaboration in organizations which received or are currently receiving financial support from the Humanitarian Funds, will be given priority.

Applicants must be available to attend the full duration of the programme.

The United Nations is committed to creating a diverse and inclusive environment of mutual respect. The United Nations recruits staff regardless of gender identity, sexual orientation, race, religious, cultural and ethnic backgrounds or disabilities. Reasonable accommodation for applicants with disabilities may be provided to support participation in the application process when requested and indicated in the application.

Application and selection process

Interested candidates should send their complete application by e-mail to  not later than 24 March 2024 (only successful applicants will receive a reply).  Shortlisted candidates may be contacted for a written exam and an interview following application. The Terms of Reference cover two fellowship positions, applicants should confirm their availability to one or both of the start-end dates in the application form.

Required documentation: