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call for input | Special Procedures

Call for inputs: Official country visit to Japan

Issued by

Working Group on Business and Human Rights

Last updated

17 August 2023


Submissions now online (See below)

Purpose: The Working Group on Business and Human Rights is seeking information in preparation of its upcoming country visit to Japan which will take place from 24 July to 4 August 2023.

Japanese version (PDF-Word)


Pursuant to the mandate established by the Human Rights Council, the Working Group on Business and Human Rights promotes, disseminates and implements the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. The Working Group is also mandated to exchange and promote good practices and lessons learned on the implementation of the Guiding Principles, and to assess and make recommendations thereon.

Purpose of the country visit to Japan

During the visit to Japan, the Working Group will examine business and human rights issues on the ground and identify current initiatives, practices, challenges and opportunities in the country to implement UN Guiding Principles and promote responsible business conduct.

The Working Group will meet with State’s authorities and business enterprises, as well as communities and individuals affected by business operations and activities, including civil society organisations, local communities, victims, international and local NGOs, development finance institutions, trade unions, and the academic community. On the last day of the visit, the Working Group will present its preliminary findings in a press conference, highlighting the key areas of concerns emerging from the visit. Following the visit, it will prepare a report with its final observations and recommendations to the Government of Japan, which will be presented at the UN Human Rights Council session in June 2024.

How the information will be used

Your responses to the present questionnaire will be critical to ensure that the Working Group's visit, and ultimately its report, addresses the most pressing business and human rights issues.
The questionnaire and any responses received will not be made public. 


In accordance with the established practice of mandate-holders, the Working Group on Business and Human Rights welcomes relevant submissions from all stakeholders on issues related to the preparation of this visit, such as:

  • Recent analytical reports or surveys relating to Japan that would be of interest to the mandate of the Working Group and the country visit
  • Information on relevant policies, programmes and legal frameworks
  • Priority issues and trends and developments that warrant the attention of the Working Group
  • Suggestions on locations to visit outside of Tokyo: which areas should the Working Group aim to visit and why?
  • Examples of best practices relating to business and human rights issues
  • Recommendations of key Government ministries, State institutions, business enterprises, business associations, civil society organisations and others whom the Working Group should meet, along with their contact information
Inputs received

As indicated in the questionnaire, responses received will not be made public.