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UN expert launches new tools for law enforcement to foster peaceful protest

07 March 2024

GENEVA (7 March 2024) – States should uphold their human rights obligations and facilitate, not suppress, peaceful protests, a UN expert said today as he presented a set of new practical and technical tools for law enforcement.

“The Human Rights Council’s call for practical tools to help law enforcement responds to a growing trend in all regions of the world of repression and undue restrictions on peaceful protest, including through the use of new technologies,” said Clément Voule, UN Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association.

At the 55th session of the UN Human Rights Council, Voule presented a Model Protocol for Law Enforcement Officials to Promote and Protect Human Rights in the Context of Peaceful Protests to assist States in meeting their human rights obligations. The Protocol is part of a set of practical and technical tools to assist law enforcement officials in facilitating peaceful protests, which the Special Rapporteur developed in collaboration with UNODC and OHCHR as requested by Human Rights Council Resolution 50/21.

The model protocol is complemented by checklists for law enforcement officials, a principles-based guide for the human rights-compliant use of digital technologies in the context of protests, and a handbook to be developed by the end of 2024.

“These tools operationalise existing international human rights laws and standards and reflect best practices gathered from around the world through extensive regional and global consultations with different stakeholders including law enforcement practitioners,” the expert said.

Voule stressed that the new tools provide practical guidance on how to ensure that law enforcement decisions, strategies and actions at all stages of protests are based on the principles of non-discrimination, precaution and accountability, and aim to de-escalate and prevent the use of force.

“States should use the new tools to adopt and revise their protocols and procedures and build the capacity of law enforcement officials to urgently close the current gaps in human rights protection in the context of protests,” the Special Rapporteur said.

He noted that to strengthen the protection and promotion of human rights in the context of peaceful protests, States must also create an enabling environment and legal framework that promotes civic space and freedoms, and should ensure that law enforcement institutions are human rights-based, democratic, inclusive and held accountable for abuses and misconduct.

“Authorities should ensure that individuals and groups can freely mobilise and come together to make their voices heard, denounce injustices, defend rights, call for peace and express solidarity with victims to confront the pressing challenges facing the world today, including wars, inequalities and the climate crisis,” the expert said.

Voule stressed the importance of creating spaces for dialogue and cooperation with civil society and protest movements.

Mr. Clément Nyaletsossi Voule, Special Rapporteur on the right to peaceful assembly and freedom of association was appointed by the United Nations Human Rights Council in March 2018. He is a lawyer currently working in Geneva in the field of human rights. Prior to his appointment, he headed the Africa programme of the International Service for Human Rights (ISHR). Mr. Voule has also worked as Secretary General of the Togolese Coalition of Human Rights Defenders, as a campaigner for the Togolese Coalition for the International Criminal Court and as Secretary General of the of Amnesty International-Togo. Since 2011, Mr. Voule has been an expert member of the Working Group on Extractive Industries, the Environment and Human Rights Violations of the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights. His mandate covers all countries and was recently renewed by resolution 50/17 of the Human Rights Council.

Special Rapporteurs are part of what is known as the Special Procedures of the Human Rights Council. Special Procedures, the largest body of independent experts in the UN Human Rights system, is the general name of the Council’s independent fact-finding and monitoring mechanisms that address either specific country situations or thematic issues in all parts of the world. Special Procedures’ experts work on a voluntary basis; they are not UN staff and do not receive a salary for their work. They are independent from any government or organization and serve in their individual capacity.

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