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In resolution 2000/10 the Commission requested the Special Rapporteur to submit a report at its annual sessions and to present a report to the General Assembly as well on the activities, themes identified and studies undertaken. Find a list below of all reports.

YearSymbol number and linksTitle
2024A/HRC/55/49Fisheries and the right to food in the context of climate change
2023A/HRC/52/40Conflict and the right to food
A/78/202Interim report of the Special Rapporteur on the right to food
2022A/77/177Right to food and the COVID-19 pandemic
A/HRC/49/43Seeds, right to life and farmers’ rights
2021A/76/237Food systems and human rights
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Vision of the Special Rapporteur on the right to food
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The right to food in the context of international trade law and policy
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Report of the Special Rapporteur on the right to food to the Human Rights Council on Critical perspective on food systems, food crises and the future of the right to food
A/HRC/43/44/ADD.3Addendum - Mission to Azerbaijan: comments by the State on the report of the Special Rapporteur
A/HRC/43/44/ADD.4Addendum - Mission to Zimbabwe: comments by the State on the report of the Special Rapporteur
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Report of the Special Rapporteur on the right to food to the United General Assembly on the Sustainable Development Goals
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Report of the Special Rapporteur on the right to food to the Human Rights Council on Fishery Workers
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Report to the General Assembly (Agricultural Workers and the Right to food)
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Report to the Human Rights Council (Right to food in the context of natural disasters)
A/HRC/37/61/Add.1Addendum- Report on mission to Zambia
2017A/72/188Interim report of the Special Rapporteur on the right to food
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Report to the Human Rights Council (Effects of pesticides on the right to food)
A/HRC/34/48/Add.3 (English only)Addendum- Mission to Poland: comments by the State on the report of the Special Rapporteur
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Report to the General Assembly (Right to food and nutrition)
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Report to the Human Rights Council (Integrating a gender perspective in the right to food)
A/HRC/31/51/Add.3Report of the Special Rapporteur on the right to food on her mission to the Philippines: comments by the State
A/HRC/31/51/Add.4Report of the Special Rapporteur on the right to food on her mission to Morocco: comments by the State
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Report to the General Assembly (Impact of climate change on the right to food)
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Report to the Human Rights Council (Access to justice and the right to food: the way forward)
2014A/69/275Report to the General Assembly
A/HRC/25/57Report to the Human Rights Council ("The transformative potential of the right to food")
2013A/68/288Report to the General Assembly ("Assessing a decade of progress on the right to food")
A/HRC/22/50Report to the Human Rights Council ("Women's right and the right to food")
A/HRC/22/50/Add.3Addendum - Report on mission to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
2012A/67/268Report to the General Assembly ("Fisheries and the right to food")
A/HRC/19/59Report to the Human Rights Council (main focus: "The right to an adequate diet: the agriculture-food-health nexus")
A/HRC/19/59/Corr.2 (Français only)Corrigendum
A/HRC/19/59/Add.5Addendum - Guiding Principles on Human Rights Impact Assessments of Trade and Investment Agreements
Non-official translations A/HRC/19/59/Add.5, Annex (Español only)(The summary is available in all official languages. The full text of the Guiding Principles, contained in the annex, is in English only.)
A/HRC/19/59/Add.6/Rev.1 (English only)Addendum - Mission to South Africa: comments by the State on the report of the Special Rapporteur
2011A/66/262Report to the General Assembly (main focus: human rights criteria for making contract farming and other business models inclusive of small-scale farmers)
A/HRC/16/49Report to the Human Rights Council (main focus: agroecology and the right to food)
A/HRC/16/49/Add.1 (English only)Addendum - Communications to and from Governments and other actors
2010A/65/281Report to the General Assembly (main focus: access to land and the right to food)
A/HRC/13/33Report of the Special Rapporteur on the right to food (main focus: agribusiness and the right to food)
A/HRC/13/33/Add.1Addendum - Communications to and from Governments
A/HRC/13/33/Add.2Addendum - Large-scale land acquisitions and leases: A set of minimum principles and measures to address the human rights challenge
2009A/64/170Report to the General Assembly (main focus: seed policies and the right to food)
A/HRC/10/5Report to the HRC, The role of development cooperation and food aid in realizing the right to adequate food: moving from charity to obligation
A/HRC/10/5/Add.1Report to the HRC, summary of communications sent and replies received from Governments and other actors
A/HRC/10/5/Add.2Report to the HRC, Mission to the World Trade Organisation,
2008A/63/278Report to the General Assembly
A/HRC/9/23Report to the Human Rights Council (Main Focus: Building resilience in response to the global food crisis)
A/HRC/7/5Report to the Human Rights Council (Main focus: Refugees from hunger)
A/HRC/7/5/Add.1Communications to and from Governments
2007A/62/289Report to the General Assembly (Main focus: The impact of biofuels on the right to food)
A/HRC/4/30Report to the Human Rights Council (Main focus: Children and their human right to food)
A/HRC/4/30/Add.1Communications to and from Governments
2006E/CN.4/2006/44Report to the Commission on Human Rights (Main focus: Defining the right to food in an era of globalization)
2005A/60/350Report to the General Assembly (Main focus: The responsibilities of international organizations concerning the right to food)
E/CN.4/2005/47Report to the Commission on Human Rights (Main focus: Extraterritorial obligations of States to the right to food)
2004A/59/385Report to the General Assembly (Main focus: The right to food and fishing livelihoods)
E/CN.4/2004/10Report to the Commission on Human Rights (Main focus: Food security and sovereignty)
2003E/CN.4/2003/54Report to the Commission on Human Rights (Main focuses: International guidelines on the right to food ; water and the right to food)
A/58/330Report to the General Assembly (Main focus: Transnational corporations and the right to food)
2002E/CN.4/2002/58Report to the Commission on Human Rights (Main focus: Justiciability of the right to food)
A/57/356Report to the General Assembly (Main focus: Access to land, agrarian reform and the right to food)
2001E/CN.4/2001/53Report to the Commission on Human Rights (Main focus: Definition and history of the right to food)
A/56/210Report to the General Assembly (Main focus: Definition of the right to food)