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The Special Rapporteur submits annual thematic reports to the March session of the Human Rights Council (HRC) and to the General Assembly (GA) in October. Thematic reports document the Special Rapporteur’s findings on particular topics and provide guidance and recommendations for UN member States, civil society organizations and other stakeholders.

YearSessionTitleSymbol number and links
2024Human Rights CouncilVision and prioritiesA/HRC/55/48
2023General AssemblyCore analysis and findings of the mandate’s Global Study on the impact of counter-terrorism measures on civil society and civic space, and findings from technical visits.A/78/520
2023Human Rights CouncilHuman rights implications of the development, use and transfer of new technologies in the context of counter-terrorism and countering and preventing violent extremismA/HRC/52/39
2022General Assembly

Impact of counter-terrorism on peacemaking, peacebuilding, sustaining peace, conflict prevention and resolution

In the report, she traces the pre-eminence of peace and human rights within the United Nations architecture, the legal and policy tools available to promote and protect human rights in United Nations peace work, the evolution of and interplay between the United Nations counter-terrorism and peace architectures, the challenges posed by the encroachment of counter-terrorism and preventing and countering violent extremism on peacemaking, peacebuilding, sustaining peace, conflict prevention and resolution, including in peacekeeping and armed conflict settings, mediation and disarmament, demobilization and reintegration processes and the interface between the law of occupation and counter-terrorism practice.


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2022Human Rights Council

Follow-up report to the joint study on global practices in relation to secret detention in the context of countering terrorism 

In the present report, the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism, Fionnuala Ní Aoláin, follows up on the 2010 joint study on global practices in relation to secret detention in the context of countering terrorism.

2021General AssemblyAdvancing human rights through the mainstreaming of human rights in counter-terrorism capacity-building and technical assistance at the national, regional and global levels


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2021Human Rights Council

Human rights impact of counter-terrorism and countering violent extremism policies and practices on the rights of women, girls and the family

This report addresses the effects of the widespread use of counter-terrorism and preventing and countering (violent) extremism law, policies and practice on the lives of women, girls and the family. The interaction between family regulation and counter-terrorism is accelerating, giving the State considerable and unprecedented access to the home and enabling the legal regulation of family life in the name of national security in ways that before would have been inconceivable. 


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2020General AssemblyAdvancing human rights through the positive interface of international human rights law and international humanitarian law in the context of counter-terrorism


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2020Human Rights Council

Human rights impact of policies and practices aimed at preventing and countering violent extremism

In this report on the human rights impact of policies and practices aimed at preventing and countering violent extremism, the Special Rapporteur acknowledges the social and political imperatives of addressing violent extremism, underscoring that only rights-affirming and rights-focused policies would have long-term success in preventing violence. She highlights the commodification of women and girls to advance policy aimed at preventing and countering violent extremism, identifying multiple ethical concerns.


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2019General Assembly

The role of soft law on counter-terrorism measures and human rights

In this report, the Special Rapporteur addresses the role of “soft law” and new institutions in the creation, enforcement, oversight and regulation of counterterrorism measures. She examines the role of and pathways by which human rights can be meaningfully integrated, accounted for and benchmarked in the creation of counter-terrorism soft law, instead of being marginalized.  


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2019Human Rights Council

Impact of measures to address terrorism and violent extremism on civic space and the rights of civil society actors and human rights defenders

This report examines the impact that measures and practices used to counter terrorism and to prevent and counter extremism have on the protection of human rights for civil society and human rights defenders. The Special Rapporteur further examines the global challenges of protecting civic space that have arisen as a result of the implementation of counter-terrorism law and practice. The Special Rapporteur identifies trends and patterns in State practice. Targeting civil society violates human rights and makes for inept and poorly executed counter-terrorism practice.


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2018General Assembly

Report on Security Council resolutions concerning terrorism on the promotion and protection of human rights since 9/11

The Special Rapporteur addresses new regulatory elements in counter-terrorism regulation and their broad impact on State practice, implementation and sovereignty. The particular effects of the resolutions on human rights protections are outlined, and the parallel effects on the promotion and protection of international humanitarian law are also briefly described. The report contains a number of concrete recommendations on best practices.



2018Human Rights Council

The human rights challenge of states of emergency in the context of countering terrorism

The Special Rapporteur addresses the human rights challenge of states of emergency in the context of countering terrorism. In particular, she identifies new post-9/11 emergency practices and their adverse effects. She sets out guidelines and good practice that she encourages governments to adopt while countering terrorism so as to systematically address the pernicious problem of permanent emergencies.


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2017General Assembly

First report on preliminary outline of areas of interest to the newly appointed Special Rapporteur

This report outlines the priorities and interpretation of the mandate and highlights conclusions and recommendations. She identifies four substantive areas of interest: permanent states of emergency; the need for greater clarity of the legal relationships between national security regimes and international legal regimes regulating terrorism and counter-terrorism; the gendered dimensions of terrorism and counter-terrorism; and the advancement of the rights and the protection of civil society in the fight against terrorism.

2017Human Rights Council

Report on recent developments and thematic updates

This report is the sixth and final annual report submitted to the Council by Ben Emmerson. In the thematic section of the report, the Special Rapporteur assesses the developments that have taken place in connection with the principal issues addressed in each of his previous thematic reports, and makes recommendations for reform of the United Nations institutional architecture for addressing issues related to human rights and counter-terrorism.

2016General Assembly

The impact of counter-terrorism measures on the human rights of migrants and refugees

This report outlines the key activities undertaken by the Special Rapporteur from February 2016 to August 2016, addresses the impact of counter-terrorism measures on the human rights of migrants and refugees and concludes with a series of recommendations.

2016Human Rights Council

Preventing and countering violent extremism: a human rights assessment

In the thematic section of the report, the Special Rapporteur addresses human rights in the context of preventing and countering violent extremism.

2015General Assembly

The impact of counter-terrorism measures on civil society

This report outlines the key activities undertaken by the Special Rapporteur from September 2014 to June 2015. The Special Rapporteur also addresses the negative impact of counter-terrorism legislation and other measures on civil society. The report concludes with a series of recommendations.

2015Human Rights Council

Human rights in the fight against the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant

In this report, the Special Rapporteur lists the key activities he undertook from 17 December 2013 to 31 December 2014. He also examines the human rights challenges posed by the fight against the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant and makes recommendations to States.

2014General AssemblyCounter terrorism and mass digital surveillanceA/69/397
2014Human Rights CouncilCivilian impact of remotely piloted aircraftA/HRC/25/59
2013General AssemblyThe use of remotely piloted aircraft in counter-terrorism operationsA/68/389
2013Human Rights CouncilFramework Principles for securing the accountability of public officials for gross or systematic human rights violations committed in the course of States-sanctioned counter-terrorism initiativesA/HRC/22/52
2012General AssemblyEvaluation of the impact of the Office of the Ombudsperson on the 1267/1989 Al-Qaida sanctions regime, and its compatibility with international human rights normsA/67/396
2012Human Rights CouncilState obligations corresponding to the human rights of victims of terrorism; Framework principles for securing the human rights of victims of terrorismA/HRC/20/14
2011General AssemblyPreliminary outline of areas of interest to the present Special RapporteurA/66/310
2010Human Rights Council

Ten areas of best practice in countering terrorism

Communications to and from Governments



2010General AssemblyCompliance by the United Nations with international human rights law while countering terrorismA/65/258
2010Human Rights CouncilCompilation of good practices on legal and institutional frameworks for intelligence services and their oversightA/HRC/14/46
2009General AssemblyA gender perspective on countering terrorismA/64/211
2009Human Rights Council

The role of intelligence agencies and their oversight in the fight against terrorism

Addendum: Communications to and from Governments



2009Human Rights Council

The right to privacy

Addendum: Communications to and from Governments



2008General AssemblyRight to a fair trial in the fight against terrorismA/63/223
2007Human Rights Council

Economic, social and cultural rights in the context of countering terrorism

Addendum: Communications to and from Governments



2007General AssemblyChallenges to refugee protection posed by counter-terrorism measuresA/62/263
2007Human Rights Council

Report of the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism

Addendum: Communications to and from Governments



2006General AssemblyFreedom of association and peaceful assembly and counter-terrorismA/61/267
2005Commission on Human Rights

Commission on Human Rights report on Reflections on the issue of defining “terrorism”

Addendum: Communications to and from Governments



2005General AssemblyConceptual frameworkA/60/370

Special Rapporteur on human rights and terrorism of the Sub-Commission on the promotion and protection of human rights

2004Final report of the Special Rapporteur, Kalliopi K. Koufa*E/CN.4/Sub.2/2004/40
2004A preliminary framework draft of principles and guidelines concerning human rights and terrorism: working paper / prepared by Kalliopi Koufa, Special Rapporteur on Terrorism and human rightsE/CN.4/Sub.2/2004/47
2004Note by the Secretariat. New priorities, in particular terrorism and counter-terrorismE/CN.4/Sub.2/2004/39
2003Additional progress report prepared by Ms. Kalliopi K. Koufa, Special Rapporteur on terrorism and human rightsE/CN.4/Sub.2/2003/WP.1
2002Second progress report prepared by Ms. Kalliopi K. Koufa,Special RapporteurE/CN.4/Sub.2/2002/35
2001Progress report prepared by Ms. Kalliopi K. Koufa, Special RapporteurE/CN.4/Sub.2/2001/31
1999Preliminary report prepared by Ms. Kalliopi K. Koufa, Special RapporteurE/CN.4/Sub.2/1999/27
1997Working paper submitted by Ms. Kalliopi K. Koufa in accordance with SubCommission resolution 1996/20E/CN.4/Sub.2/1997/28