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Statements Human Rights Council

Statement by the President of the Human Rights Council Opening of the eighth session of the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

20 July 2015

Monday, 20 July 2015
Palais des Nations, Room XX

Mr. Chair,
Mr. High Commissioner,
Distinguished members of the Expert Mechanism,
Distinguished Indigenous representatives,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is a great pleasure to greet you on this occasion of the eighth session of the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

I am pleased to welcome all the members of the Expert Mechanism, including the new member Mr. Albert Kwokwo Barume, as well as the different delegations attending the session as observers, including States, delegates from belonging to indigenous peoples and national human rights institutions. I would also like to welcome the Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Ms. Victoria Tauli-Corpuz and the chair of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, Ms. Megan Davis.

The Human Rights Council recognizes the important work undertaken by the Expert Mechanism and remains committed to supporting and collaborating with its mandate.

The studies and advice of the Expert Mechanism, most recently on access to justice and disaster risk reduction, have all been well received by the Council and are positive contributions towards the further protection of the rights of indigenous peoples. 

The Council listens attentively to the proposals the Expert Mechanism submits to its consideration. This is reflected in the focus of the study you will be finalizing during the present session. Given the challenges that indigenous peoples often face in claiming their rights relating to cultural heritage, the Council agreed with the proposal of the Expert Mechanism to carry out a study addressing this important subject. Following another one of the proposals from your seventh session, the Council also encouraged States to give due consideration to the rights of indigenous peoples in the elaboration of the post-2015 development agenda, and to take measures to ensure that indigenous peoples participate in national processes for the implementation of the new goals.

I would like to turn now to the theme of your study for this year. Indigenous peoples in all regions of the world face significant challenges regarding the promotion and protection of their rights with respect to cultural heritage. This is a complex, multi-faceted issue and to address it one would need to examine the links between indigenous peoples’ cultures and their lands, territories and resources. I wish you successful deliberations on this theme. The Council is looking forward to considering the final version of your study at its 30th session in September this year.

The Human Rights Council attaches high importance to the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Yet, eight years since its adoption by the General Assembly in New York significant challenges remain in its implementation. To help achieve the objectives of the Declaration the Council has requested the Expert Mechanism to continue its survey of best practices with regard to measures and implementation strategies. I look forward to the presentation of the updated results of the survey at the 30th session. I would also like to thank all States, indigenous peoples and other partners and stakeholders who have contributed to it.

Within the Human Rights Council we have had important panel discussions during our 27th session of last September on key issues affecting indigenous peoples, focusing on vulnerability to disasters but also good practices for reducing risk.

The Council has also continued to address the rights of indigenous peoples through the Universal Periodic Review. Recommendations pertaining to the rights of indigenous peoples have been made to a number of countries in areas including the elimination of discrimination, access to health and education services, and the involvement of indigenous peoples in decision-making. It is important to continue to foster synergies and cooperation between all UN mechanisms that address indigenous issues.

As you are aware, the Council has the important task of reviewing the mandate of the Expert Mechanism. I hope that this process will result in further improving the mandate of the Expert Mechanism to help better implement the objectives of the Declaration at the national and local level. The Council is committed to carrying out the review in close consultation with indigenous peoples, as the concerned rights holders, in line with the Outcome Document of the World Conference (WCIP). The Outcome Document provides further guidance on how to fully realize the goals of the UN Declaration. It also invites the Council to consider examining the causes and consequences of violence against indigenous women and girls in cooperation with the Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and other special procedures mandate-holders.

At our September session, we will hold a half-day discussion on follow-up to the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples, and I am confident that your discussions this week will help us ensure a dynamic and fruitful exchange.

As recognized in the Declaration and reaffirmed in the Outcome Document of the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples, participation of and partnership with indigenous peoples in relevant UN processes and forums is instrumental to advancing the rights of indigenous peoples. With this in mind, I would like to acknowledge the work of the United Nations Voluntary Fund for Indigenous Peoples, which is supporting the participation of 32 indigenous representatives at this session. The Fund also makes it possible for indigenous voices to be heard at the regular sessions of the Council and the sessions of the Universal Periodic Review Working Group. On behalf of the Council, I would like to thank the States that have supported the Fund.

Dear colleagues,
Ladies and gentlemen,

I look forward to continuing cooperation between the Human Rights Council and the Expert Mechanism and wish you all a very successful eighth session.

Thank you.