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Human rights, LNOB and GEWE in CCAs and CFs

UN Interagency Network on human rights, LNOB and Sustainable Development

A human rights-based approach (HRBA), leave no one behind (LNOB) and gender equality and women’s empowerment (GEWE) are guiding principles that UN country teams (UNCTs) are required to use in their country analysis and programming.

A review of 44 CCAs and 40 CFs, undertaken by the UN Interagency Network on Human Rights, LNOB and Sustainable Development in 2022, showed that while there is a degree of human rights uptake in the new generation of Common Country Analyses (CCAs) and UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Frameworks (CFs), there is an urgent need to step up ambition and strengthen the human rights integration in UN development analysis and programming work at the country level.

The review assessed levels of integration of HRBA, LNOB and GEWE based on existing requirements in UN policy, including the UN Sustainable Development Framework Internal Guidance and its companion pieces, as well as the Good Practice Note for UN Country Teams on Operationalizing LNOB. It also drew on the 2021 Management Accountability Framework, which underscores RCs’ and UNCTs’ human rights roles and responsibilities, including to ensure that the delivery of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development leads to results that advance human rights.

In addition to establishing a baseline of what is working well and key challenges for integration of HRBA, LNOB and GEWE under the UN development system reform, the review pointed to good practices that demonstrate the value of human rights analysis, including drawing on the wealth of recommendations from UN human rights mechanisms and ILO Supervisory Bodies, as well as missed opportunities. It also formulated a number of recommendations for how UNCTs can strengthen HRBA, LNOB and GEWE in their work. As a result, the Network has also developed an Online Tool with two Checklists to support RCOs and UNCTs.

Other support from the Network to UNCT work

In its work to strengthen integration of human rights and LNOB in sustainable development in the UNDS work at the country-level, the Network can provide guidance and joint support for coordination and collaboration between UN entities; support the joint operationalization of system-wide policies or normative guidance relating to human rights and labour rights; support a strong focus on capacity-strengthening and learning, including through the maintenance and dissemination of key guidance and products, or support the integration of human rights in sustainable development processes such as Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs).

Examples of such work include the UN Inter-agency Review of New Generation Common Country Analyses and UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Frameworks, Human Rights and Voluntary National Reviews Operational Common Approach Guidance Note and joint training initiatives.