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Training and Capacity Building

UN Interagency Network on human rights, LNOB and Sustainable Development

The Network aims to ensure a strong focus on capacity-strengthening and learning in particular at the country-level, through the maintenance and dissemination of key guidance and products for mainstreaming human rights in the work of UN Country Teams (UNCTs) and Resident Coordinators’ Offices.

UN Common Learning Package

This revised package builds on and updates available training materials including the earlier Common Learning Package on the Human Rights-Based Approach. It incorporates new material to align the UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework in the context of UN development system reform and the 2020 Quadrennial Comprehensive Policy Review of UN system operational activities (QCPR) . It aims to equip UN Country Teams  staff with practical and operational guidance on to mainstream in an integrated manner the three guiding principles at each step of the UNSDCF process, as a way to support government efforts to achieve the SDGs by ensuing no one is left behind, in a manner based on full respect for human rights, and with gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls as a crucial contribution (as requested by art. 18 and 12 of the 2020 QCPR).

The Network is, in collaboration with the UN System Staff College, organizing: 

Foundational Course on UNSDCF Guiding Principles: HRBA, GEWE & LNOB

The Foundational Course on UNSCDF Guiding Principles: HRBA, GEWE & LNOB is now available. Developed jointly by the UNSSC with DCO, OHCHR, UNICEF and UNFPA, this 3-hour (free of charge) course aims to increase the capacity of UN staff to apply the first three of the six UNSDCF Guiding Principles (HRBA, GEWE, LNOB) in an integrated manner to ensure that UN interventions are leading to meaningful, positive change in people's lives.

Moderated e-Courses on UNSDF Guiding Principles

In addition to the Foundational e-course that is self-paced and takes only a few hours to complete, the UN Interagency Network tries - depending on availability of funds - to organize more in-depth sessions targeting the UN staff who are specifically this year working in countries engaged in a UNSDCF process. For instance, the following e-courses are more comprehensive as they are moderated and designed to be completed over 5 to 8 weeks:

2023 Edition: The first edition of the moderated e-course was held in 2023, launched by high-level officials in September 2023, and was attended by 72 participants across 40 regional and in-country presences and UN entities, with an extremely high rate of participants’ satisfaction.

2024 Edition: A second edition will take place in May-June 2024, with 151 participants registered working in/on 48 countries out of the 52 that will be engaged in a UNSDCF process in 2024 and 2025.