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call for input | Special Procedures

Call for input: Peacebuilding in the context of internal displacement

Issued by

Special Rapporteur on the human rights of internally displaced persons


30 June 2024

Purpose: To inform the 79th session of the General Assembly

Pursuant to Human Rights Council Resolution 50/6, the Special Rapporteur on the human rights of internally displaced persons (IDPs), has begun the preparation of her thematic report to the 79th session of the General Assembly to be presented in October 2024. The report will examine peacebuilding in the context of internal displacement.

The Special Rapporteur reiterates that preventing and resolving internal displacement is inextricably linked to achieving and maintaining peace,1 especially in the light of the New Agenda for Peace.2 For peace to be sustainable, mediation,3 peace processes, peace agreements and peacebuilding must consider internal displacement and reinforce durable solutions in accordance with the Inter-Agency Standing Committee Framework on Durable Solutions for Internally Displaced Persons.4 Such peace efforts can provide redress for displacement and associated human rights violations and foster social cohesion. Additionally, the integration of a peace mission may contribute to protecting civilians, preventing displacement and enabling the conditions for justice and reconciliation.

These conflict resolution efforts, however, often fail to dedicate sufficient attention to addressing internal displacement or meaningfully engage IDPs.5 The Special Rapporteur concurs with the High-Level Panel on Internal Displacement and the Action Agenda on the importance of integrating internal displacement in peace processes, peace agreements and peacebuilding, and engaging IDPs, particularly women, young people and minority groups.6 Peace agreements should address the specific needs, rights and legitimate interests of IDPs, and incorporate a human rights-based approach to supporting durable solutions that ensures the participation of IDPs in peace processes and peacebuilding activities. This includes women’s participation, in line with Security Council resolution 1325/2000 on women and peace and security.


For her present report, the Special Rapporteur will build on the work of her predecessors7 and examine lessons learned and challenges with respect to the mainstreaming of internal displacement into mediation and peace processes, peace agreements, peacebuilding and peace operations/peacekeeping. This will include transitional justice8 and initiatives to restore housing, land and property rights9 in contexts of internal displacement. She takes note of the report of the Special Rapporteur on the promotion of truth, justice, reparations and guarantees of non-recurrence on practical experiences of domestic reparation programmes,10 in particular his conclusion that IDPs continue to be neglected in reparations programmes and will further consider that issue.11 The Special Rapporteur believes that initiatives to promote recovery from widespread rights violations through recognition of harm12 and efforts to promote social cohesion through effective dialogue and reconciliation between communities, is a crucial component for sustainably resolving conflicts and preventing the emergence or resurgence of new conflicts in the future.13 In that regard, she recalls the conclusion of the High-Level Panel on Internal Displacement regarding the insufficient application of these types of initiatives, which contribute to healing, recovery, reconciliation and social cohesion.14

The Special Rapporteur will also examine gaps and challenges and the need for comprehensive and rights-based approaches in addressing intersecting issues of peace and internal displacement, with a particular emphasis on the protection and participation of IDPs. She will also analyse implementation and sustainability, diving into the extent to which peace processes have addressed the situation and needs of IDPs and tackled root causes of displacement. The report will also look into the role of international, regional and national peace actors in supporting national efforts to address the rights and needs of IDPs in the context of peacebuilding and in contributing to the achievement of durable solutions, including the role of humanitarian and development actors in achieving durable solutions for IDPs through peacebuilding.

Key questions and types of input/comments sought

Download the questionnaire (PDF)
English, Français, Español

1 Addressing Internal Displacement in Peace Processes, Peace Agreements and Peace-Building | Brookings.
2 Our Common Agenda policy brief 9”, actions 2 and 3 (p. 15) and pp. 19–26.
3 Mediation should be understood as including conflict management, conflict resolution and conflict transformation processes. See Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, “Engaging at the local level:
options for UN mediators” practice note, September 2022.
4 See A/HRC/13/21/Add.4, sect. E.
5 A/78/245, para.75.
6 High-Level Panel on Internal Displacement, Shining a Light on Internal Displacement, pp. 15 and 16.
7 See A/62/227, A/68/225, A/HRC/10/13 and A/HRC/13/21/Add.4. 
8 A/73/173.
9 A/HRC/47/37.
10 A/HRC/42/45.
11 Ibid., paras. 125 and 129.
12 A/73/173.
13 High-Level Panel on Internal Displacement, Shining a Light on Internal Displacement, p. 16.
14 Ibid., pp. 16 and 17.

Next Steps

Written contributions not exceeding 2,500 words in length should be sent in English, French or Spanish in Word format to

Please indicate “Input for SR IDPs - report on peace processes” in the email subject line.

Postal address:
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, United Nations Office at Geneva, CH 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland.

Please include references to reports, text of legislation, policy documents, judgements, statistical information with hyperlinks to their full text or source or attach them to your submission.

Please note that inputs received after the initial deadline of 30 June 2024, may not be taken into account for the preparation of the thematic report to be presented at the 79th session of the General Assembly.

All submissions will be posted on this webpage, except where confidentiality is explicitly requested.