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Universal Periodic Review - Egypt - Reference Documents


Contributions for the Summary of Stakeholder's information

The views and/or opinions expressed in the contributions listed below are those of the contributing organizations and do not reflect in any way the views and/or opinions of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR). OHCHR is not responsible for the content of the organizations’ views and/or opinions. The use and posting of the contributions do not provide any legal and/or other status to the contributing organizations or association with the OHCHR.
Name of organisationLanguagesBackground documents
NCHR - National Council for Human RightsEnglish1
Civil Society
Name of organisationLanguagesBackground documents
Alkamara for Human RightsEnglish, Français
Amnesty InternationalEnglish1
ANHRI - Arabic Network for Human Rights InformationEnglish
APRO - Arab Penal Reform OrganizationEnglish
BF - The Becket FUnd for Religious Liberty English
BIC - Bahá í International CommunityEnglish
CIHRS - Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies العربية, English
CSW - Christian Solidarity WorldwideEnglish1
CTUWS - Center for Trade Unions and Workers ServicesEnglish
EACPE - Egyptian Association for Community Participation Enhancement العربية, English
EAJCW - The European Association of Jehova's Christian WitnessesEnglish
ECHR - Egyptian Center for Housing RightsEnglish
EOHR - Egyptian Organization for Human RightsEnglish
FH - Freedom HouseEnglish1
FIDH - Fédération International des Droits de l'HommeEnglish
FMDVP - Fundación Mundiale Dejame Vivir En PazEnglish
GIEACPC - Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of ChildrenEnglish
HRAAP - Human Rights Association for rhe Assistance of PrisonersEnglish
HRW - Human Rights WatchEnglish
ICJ - International Commission of JuristsEnglish
IHRC - Islamic Human Rights CommissionEnglish
IPEN - International PENEnglish
IRPP Institute on Religion and Public PolicyEnglish
JC - Jubilee CampaignEnglish
JS1 - Joint Submission 1العربية, English1
JS2 - Joint Submission 2العربية, English
JS3 - Joint Submission 3English
JS4 - Joint Submission 4English
JS5 - Joint Submission 5English
JS6 - Joint Submission 6العربية
JS7 - Joint Submission 7العربية, English
LUDLS - Lawyers Union for Democratic and Legal StudiesEnglish
MPDHR - Maat for Peace Development and Human Rightsالعربية, English
NWF - New Woman FoundationEnglish
ODI - Open Doors InternationalEnglish
Name of organisationLanguagesBackground documents
CADHP-ACHPR - African Commission on Human and People's RightsEnglish
