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Universal Periodic Review - Ireland - Reference Documents


Contributions for the Summary of Stakeholder's information

The views and/or opinions expressed in the contributions listed below are those of the contributing organizations and do not reflect in any way the views and/or opinions of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR). OHCHR is not responsible for the content of the organizations’ views and/or opinions. The use and posting of the contributions do not provide any legal and/or other status to the contributing organizations or association with the OHCHR.
Name of organisationLanguagesBackground documents
 Irish - HRC - Irish Human Rights CommissionEnglish
 OCO - Ombudsman Children's OfficeEnglish
Civil Society
Name of organisationLanguagesBackground documents
Afri - Action from IrelandEnglish
AI - Amnesty InternationalEnglish
AkiDwA - Akina Dadawa AfricaEnglish
ARA - Adoption Rights AllianceEnglish
AREA - Autism Rights Equality AllianceEnglish
Atheist - IrlEnglish
Becket Fund - Becket Fund for Religious LibertyEnglish
CDLP - Centre Disability Law Policy National University IrelandEnglish
CMHC - Children ’s Mental Health CoalitionEnglish
CnG - Conradhna GaeilgeEnglish
CORI - Conference Religious IrelandEnglish
CSHF - Cork Social Housing ForumEnglish
DL - Doras LuimníEnglish
EFI - Equality for Fathers IrelandEnglish
ELN - European Life NetworkEnglish
ENAR - Irl - European Network Against Racism IrelandEnglish
ERI - Edmund Rice InternationalEnglish
ET - Educate TogetherEnglish
FLAC - Free Legal Advice CentresEnglish
FLAC - TC - Free Legal Advice Centre Trinity CollegeEnglish
GIEACPC - Global Initiative End All Corporal Punishment ChildrenEnglish
GLEN - Gay Lesbian Equality NetworkEnglish
GLSN - Grassroots Leadership Support NetworkEnglish
GRSG - Galway Refugee Support GroupEnglish
HAI - Humanist Association IrelandEnglish
HP - Hope ProjectEnglish
ICHR - Irish Centre Human RightsEnglish
ICI - Immigrant Council Ireland - Annex 1English
ICI - Immigrant Council IrelandEnglish
ICTU - Irish Congress Trade UnionsEnglish
IHF - Irish Heart FoundationEnglish
IHRC - Islamic Human Rights CommissionEnglish
IIFCR - Iona Institute Freedom Conscience ReligionEnglish
IPRT - Irish Penal Reform TrustEnglish
ISPCC -Irish Society Prevention Cruelty ChildrenEnglish
JFM - Justice for MagdalenesEnglish
JS 1 - Joint Submission 1 - Your Rights Right NowEnglish
JS 2 - Joint Submission 2English
JS 3 - Joint Submission 3English
JS 4 - Joint Submission 4English
JS 5 - Joint Submission 5English
MLRC - Mercy Law Resource CentreEnglish
MRCI - Migrant Rights Centre IrelandEnglish
NAAR - NGO Alliance Against RacismEnglish
NCFEL - National Council Forum End of LifeEnglish
NCP - New Communities Partnerships NetworkEnglish
NWCI - National Women's Council IrelandEnglish
OLGLM - Our Lady Guadalupe Life MovementEnglish
PLC - Pro-Life CampaignEnglish
PPTC - Pavee Point Travellers CentreEnglishAnnex 1
RG - Rehab GroupEnglish
RRAP - Rialto Rights Action ProjectEnglish
SSea - Shellto SeaEnglish
SWatch - Shannon watchEnglish
TI - I - Transparency International IrelandEnglish
TO - Table ObserversEnglish
Name of organisationLanguagesBackground documents
CoE - Council of Europe - CommissionerEnglish
CoE - Council of Europe - CPTEnglish
CoE - Council of Europe - ECRIEnglish
CoE - Council of Europe - ECSREnglish
CoE - Council of Europe - GRECOEnglish
