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Universal Periodic Review - Nepal - Reference Documents


Contributions for the Summary of Stakeholder's information

The views and/or opinions expressed in the contributions listed below are those of the contributing organizations and do not reflect in any way the views and/or opinions of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR). OHCHR is not responsible for the content of the organizations’ views and/or opinions. The use and posting of the contributions do not provide any legal and/or other status to the contributing organizations or association with the OHCHR.
Name of organisationLanguagesBackground documents
 National Institutions - Joint Submission English
Civil Society
Name of organisationLanguagesBackground documents
AI - Amnesty International English
ALRC - The Asian Legal Resource Centre and Advocacy Forum English1
Article 19 English
BDS - Blue Diamond Society English
Becket Fund English
BICE - The International Catholic Child Bureau English
CSW - Christian Solidarity Worldwide English
Dialog forum - Joint Submission English
ECLJ - European Centre for Law and Justice English
ECPAT - ECPAT International English
EI - Education International English
FIAN - Food First Information Action Network English
GIEACPC - Global Initiative End Corporal Punishment English
ICJ - International Commission of Jurists English
ICT - International Campaign for Tibet English
JC - Jubilee Campaign English
NGO Coalitions Joint Submission English1
RSF - Reporters Without Borders English
SCN - Save the Children Nepal English
UNPO - The Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization English
Name of organisationLanguagesBackground documents
