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The Committee makes recommendations on any issue relating to children to which it believes the State parties should devote more attention.

As of September 2023, the Committee has adopted 26 general comments. The full list of final general comments are available on the database, with supporting documents on the most recent general comments below.

Latest general comments
Date published General comment Topic
31 January 2024 Draft general comment No. 27 Children’s right to access justice and effective remedies
22 August 2023 General comment No. 26
Call for comments (Deadline: 15 February 2023)
Children’s rights and the environment with a special focus on climate change
2 March 2021 General comment No. 25 Children’s rights in relation to the digital environment
18 September 2019 General comment No. 24 Children’s rights in the child justice system
16 November 2019 Joint general comment No. 4 of the CMW / No. 23 of the CRC International migration: general principles
16 November 2019 Joint general comment No. 3 of the CMW / No. 22 of the CRC International migration: States parties’ obligations in particular with respect to countries of transit and destination
21 June 2017 General comment No. 21 Children in street situations
6 December 2016 General comment No. 20 Implementation of the rights of the child during adolescence
21 Jul 2016 General comment No. 19 Public budgeting for the realization of children’s rights (art. 4)
14 November 2014, revised 8 May 2019 Joint general recommendation No. 31 of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women/general comment No. 18 of the Committee on the Rights of the Child (2019) on harmful practices (CEDAW/C/GC/31/Rev.1–CRC/C/GC/18/Rev.1) Harmful practices

Committee on the Rights of the Child