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1. The Association Togolaise pour la Défense et la Promotion des Droits Humains created human rights corners in 8 high schools, 7 schools, 3 public libraries and the library of the grant-receiving NGO.

Allocated grant: US$ 2,800

2. The Centre de Promotion de l'Emploi et de l'Initiative Privée (CPEIP) published a comic strip presenting the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to children and teenagers. More than 3,500 copies were distributed.

Allocated grant: US$ 2,300

3. Mr. Amissan Johnson organized seminars, debates and film shows on human rights in schools in Lomé. Materials on the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the African Charter of Human and Peoples' Rights and the Constitution of Togo were distributed during the events, in which more than 1,500 persons took part. One issue specifically addressed by the grant recipient was the fact that some provisions of domestic law, such as that on polygamy, are contrary to international human rights standards.

Allocated grant: US$ 3,000

4. The NGO Amis des Enfants created plays on children's rights that were performed in schools in the Ewe language. The main issues addressed were: children's exploitation at the workplace, violence against children, trafficking in children, promotion of the status of the young girl. While the NGO expected about 400 children to see the plays, some 1,800 attended the performances and wanted to be part of the event. Faced with such demand, the authorities and the local NGO jointly decided that the plays should be performed again on 16 June 2000, the Day of the African Child.

Allocated grant: US$ 2,900

5. The singer Ayaovi Mensah and his musicians, who are all well-known throughout the country and even beyond its frontiers, produced, on a voluntary basis, a song on children's rights. The song focuses on “stick-based” education. The CD was launched at a ceremony attended by the Minister for Culture, Youth and Sports and the Minister for Social Affairs and the Promotion of Women.

Allocated grant: US$ 3,000