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1. The Theatre Company Les Béjarts performed a play, free of charge, on basic human rights themes in various parts of Kinshasa-city: the right to life, the right to peace, the right to education, the rule of law, etc. The 10 performances, attended by more than 2,500 people, were covered by local media. The NGO representatives stated that theatre is a good way of reaching illiterate people at the grassroots level; moreover, the cathartic element of acting was described and perceived as crucial for children and young adults who suffered as a result of the conflict.

Allocated grant: US$ 2,870

2. The Initiative de Développement de l'Entreprenariat Féminin (IDEF) conducted a sensitization campaign on human rights in suburbs of Kinshasa in the Lingala language, focusing on women's rights: the grant recipient organized a 15-day training session for women, during which a videotape was shown and discussed. The discussions were based on pictures quoting articles of the UDHR and illustrating abuses and violations of women's human rights. Printed materials were also distributed: T-shirts, leaflets, stickers, etc. More than 200 women were reached directly by the campaign, but men were also involved. Almost all participants were illiterate and the idea of using pictures was described as an appropriate way of addressing human rights issues and stimulating debate. The picture modules were translated into local languages.

Allocated grant: US$ 3,000

3. The Groupe Jérémie organized a one-week training workshop for 17 human rights activists on how to use e-mails and human rights and development resources available on the Internet.

Allocated grant: US$ 3,000

4. AJournaliste en Danger@ organized a training workshop on freedom of expression and its limits in the remote area of Western Kasai. International standards were presented and open discussions held. Forty-three persons from both the private and public sectors attended: they included journalists, the Governor of the province in which the activities took place and judges. The provincial political and administrative authorities pledged to refrain from harassing journalists in their daily work and investigations.

Allocated grant: US$ 2,870

5. The Association Africaine de Défense des Droits de l'Homme organized various activities to raise human rights awareness among children. Conferences, workshops, popular courses, etc. were implemented, mostly in schools, and enabled the NGO to reach more than 900 children throughout the country as well as adults (teachers, police officers, parents). The NGO representative reported that some school principals were unwilling to hold human rights activities in their establishment.

Allocated grant: US$ 2,990

Phase 3

Strategic allocation of funds

It is noteworthy that the UNDP Country Offices in Burkina Faso, Democratic Republic of Congo and Mongolia went beyond their first commitment, by providing more funds than the US$15,000 initially envisaged.

Human Rights Awareness Raising on selected topics

Conseil National des Droits de l’Homme en Islam conducted activities aiming at raising people awareness on children and women’s rights in the Democratic Republic of Congo. A training for trainers workshop was organized with the purpose of enhancing trainers’ knowledge and skills about women and children’s rights. Posters were also produced and 2500 copies were disseminated in schools. Six radio programmes on the promotion and protection of children and women’s rights were broadcast twice a month to ensure a national media coverage of the awareness raising campaign.

Women’s rights, Violence Against Women and Reproductive Rights

Justice et Solidarité, an organization based in the Democratic Republic of Congo organized a training for trainers workshop on women’s rights. Presentations made during the workshop focused on: women’s exploitation within the religious and spiritual traditions; discriminatory practices against women employees in the workplace; lack of representation and participation of women in public life; high level of illiteracy among women and girls; necessity to ensure gender equality in education. Participants were also invited to reflect on issues such as election, democracy and civil and political rights. They were also informed about women’s status in the family and penal code. At the end of the workshop, evaluations showed that participants were able to: conduct trainings on democracy, monitor violations of women’s rights and work with other local and national networks on the promotion of democracy, good governance and women’s rights.