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Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic

Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic

Latest news

Statement by Paulo Pinheiro, Chair of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic. 56th Session of the UN Human Rights Council
3 July 2024

Statement by Commissioner Lynn Welchman to seminar “It is a Forever Stigma: The Role of Gender Discrimination in the Syrian Government’s Detention and Torture System”
26 June 2024

Policy Paper: Punishing the Innocent: Ending Violations against Children in Northeast Syrian Arab Republic
العربية | English
20 March 2024

Statement by Paulo Pinheiro, Chair of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic
18 March 2024

UN Commission of Inquiry: “Syria, too, desperately needs a ceasefire”
العربية | English
11 March 2024

Report of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic
11 March 2024
العربية | English

UN Syria Commission welcomes landmark ICJ order to Syria to prevent torture and destruction of evidence
16 November 2023

Statement by Paulo Pinheiro Chair of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic at 78th Session of the United Nations General Assembly Third Committee
24 October 2023

Statement by Paulo Pinheiro, Chair of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic
العربية | English
22 September 2023

Marked increase in fighting and a rapidly plummeting economy require urgent Syrian and international responses, UN Syria Commission of Inquiry warns
12 September 2023
العربية | English

“No End in Sight: Torture and ill-treatment in the Syrian Arab Republic 2020-2023” Conference Room Paper - A/HRC/53/CRP.5
العربية | English
10 July 2023

Statement by Paulo Pinheiro, Chair of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic
5 July 2023

UN Syria Commission of Inquiry lauds long-awaited international institution to clarify fate and whereabouts of tens of thousands missing and disappeared
العربية | English
29 June 2023

Policy Paper: Gendered Impact of the Conflict in the Syrian Arab Republic on Women and Girls
العربية | English
12 June 2023

Statement by Paulo Pinheiro Chair of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry. 52nd Session of the UN Human Rights Council
21 March 2023

UN Syria Commission of Inquiry: Those responsible for atrocities during 12 years of violence must be brought to justice
17 March 2023

Epicentre of Neglect: Protection of Civilians in Syria Remains an Illusion says UN Syria Commission of Inquiry
13 March 2023
العربية | English

UN Syria Commission: Urgent action required to assist those impacted by earthquakes, including a countrywide ceasefire to enable humanitarian access
07 February 2023
العربية | English

Statement by Mr. Paulo Sérgio Pinheiro, Chair of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic, at 77th Session of the United Nations General Assembly Third Committee
26 October 2022

Statement by Paulo Pinheiro, Chair of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic to 51st Session of the UN Human Rights Council Geneva, 22 September 2022
22 September 2022

UN Syria Commission: Don't look away: Syrian civilians face the prospect of a new escalation 
14 September 2022
العربية | English

Statement by Paulo Pinheiro Chair, Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic
50th Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council
29 June 2022

Policy Paper: Civilians under attack in Syria - Towards preventing further civilian harm
العربية | English
28 June 2022

UN Syria Commission of Inquiry: Member States must seize moment to establish mechanism for missing persons
العربية | English
17 June 2022

Policy Paper: Syria’s Missing and Disappeared: Is there a Way Forward? Recommendations for a Mechanism with an International Mandate
العربية | English
17 June 2022

UN Syria Commission calls on Security Council to ensure live-saving humanitarian aid to Syria: “Unconscionable to consider closing last border crossing when needs are at their highest”
العربية | English
26 May 2022

Statement by Paulo Pinheiro, Chair, UN Syria Commission
at Brussels VI Conference in support of the future of Syria and the region
Side event: Moving Forward on Truth and Justice: Addressing the crisis of missing persons and detention in Syria.
6 May 2022

Statement by Paulo Pinheiro, Chair of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic, to the 49th Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council
18 March 2022

Syria’s abyss: UN Syria Commission warns of escalating violence, plummeting economy and a humanitarian disaster
العربية | English | French 
9 March 2022

UN panel welcomes landmark guilty verdict in Germany’s prosecution of former Syrian intelligence officer for crimes against humanity
14 January 2022

Human Rights Council President appoints Lynn Welchman of the United Kingdom to serve on Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic 
1 December 2021

”War against the Syrian people continues unabated” - UN Syria Commission of Inquiry to Third Committee of General Assembly
العربية | English | Français
25 October 2021

Statement by Paulo Pinheiro, Chair of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic, to the 76th Session of the United Nations General Assembly, Third Committee 
25 October 2021

Statement by Commissioner Karen Koning AbuZayd of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic, to the 48th Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council
23 September 2021

Report of the Commission of Inquiry on Syrian Arab Republic to the forty-eighth regular session of the Human Rights Council
Report page
14 September 2021

Statement by Paulo Pinheiro, Chair of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic, to the 47th Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council
6 July 2021

Arbitrary Imprisonment and Detention - Report of the Commission of Inquiry of the Syrian Arab Republic
Report page
1 March 2021

2021 Report of the Commission of Inquiry on Syrian Arab Republic
Report page
18 February 2021

COI Syria: No clean hands – behind the frontlines and the headlines, armed actors continue to subject civilians to horrific and increasingly targeted abuse 
15 September 2020 
العربية | English

Rampant human rights violations and war crimes as war-torn Idlib faces the pandemic UN Syria Commission of Inquiry report
7 July 2020
العربية | English

UN Commission of Inquiry on Syria: As global pandemic reaches Syria, fighting must stop and urgent steps taken to prevent an even greater tragedy
28 March 2020
العربية | English

UN Commission of Inquiry on Syria: Unprecedented levels of displacement and dire conditions for civilians in the Syrian Arab Republic
2 March 2020
العربية | English

Parties to the conflict must act immediately and collectively to bring meaningful respite to civilians in northwest Syria
4 February 2020
العربية | English

All news...



The Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic was established on 22 August 2011 by the Human Rights Council through resolution S-17/1.The mandate of the Commission is to investigate all alleged violations of international human rights law since March 2011 in the Syrian Arab Republic and to present public reports on its findings. The Human Rights Council also tasked the Commission with establishing the facts and circumstances that may amount to such violations and of the crimes perpetrated and, where possible, to identify those responsible with a view of ensuring that perpetrators of violations, including those that may constitute crimes against humanity and war crimes, are held accountable. The Human Rights Council has repeatedly extended the Commission's mandate since then, most recently for an additional year through resolution 55/22, which was adopted on 4 April 2024. The Council requested the Commission of Inquiry to present an oral update during an interactive dialogue at its fifty-sixth session, and to present an updated report during an interactive dialogue at both the fifty-seventh and fifty-eight sessions of the Council.


Call for Submissions

العربية | English

The Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic invites individuals, groups, organizations, and Member States to submit information and documentation related to its mandate via the email or postal addresses below. In particular, the Commission would welcome:

  • Information concerning the facts and circumstances regarding specific alleged violations and abuses;
  • Information concerning the identity of individuals, military units, and armed group entities responsible for such violations; and
  • Views concerning targeted recommendations to duty bearers and conflicting parties active in the Syrian Arab Republic to increase human rights protections and promote accountability.

Procedure for submissions for regular mandated reports:

The Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic reports to the Human Rights Council three times per year, with written reports prepared for the September and March sessions, and an Oral Update during the June Session. The September mandated report covers the period from January to June, while the March mandated report covers the period from July to December.

Submissions for the September mandated report (covering events during the period January-June) should be sent no later than 1 June.

Submissions for the March mandated report (covering events during the period July-December ) should be sent no later than 1 December.

All submissions must be provided in writing to the email or postal address below, and must include

  • The contact details for the author(s) of the submission;
  • Whether the submission, or any part of it, should be treated confidentially.

The Commission of Inquiry encourages contributors to submit information in Arabic, English, and/or French. Submissions in other official United Nations languages are welcome, but may take longer to process.

Note concerning submissions for special mandate reports:

From time to time, the Commission is mandated by the Human Rights Council to conduct specific inquiries and produce urgent updates or full reports. In such cases, Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic invites individuals, groups, organizations, and Member States to submit information and documentation related to such special mandates as soon as practical after the adoption of such mandates. 


Current Commissioners:

Paulo Sérgio Pinheiro (Brazil), Chair
Hanny Megally (Egypt)
Lynn Welchman (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)

Former Commissioners:

Karen Koning AbuZayd (United States)
Carla del Ponte (Switzerland)
Vitit Muntarbhorn (Thailand)
Yakin Erturk (Turkey) 


This page lists all reports, updates, statements and resolutions issued by or related to the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic.

Press Releases

UN Syria Commission welcomes landmark ICJ order to Syria to prevent torture and destruction of evidence
16 November 2023

Marked increase in fighting and a rapidly plummeting economy require urgent Syrian and international responses, UN Syria Commission of Inquiry warns
12 September 2023
العربية | English

UN Syria Commission of Inquiry lauds long-awaited international institution to clarify fate and whereabouts of tens of thousands missing and disappeared
العربية | English
29 June 2023

UN Syria Commission of Inquiry: Those responsible for atrocities during 12 years of violence must be brought to justice
17 March 2023

Epicentre of Neglect: Protection of Civilians in Syria Remains an Illusion says UN Syria Commission of Inquiry
العربية | English
13 March 2023

UN Syria Commission: Urgent action required to assist those impacted by earthquakes, including a countrywide ceasefire to enable humanitarian access
العربية | English
07 February 2023

UN Syria Commission: Don't look away: Syrian civilians face the prospect of a new escalation
العربية | English
14 September 2022

UN Syria Commission of Inquiry on Syria: Member States must seize moment to establish mechanism for missing persons
العربية | English
17 June 2022

UN Syria Commission calls on Security Council to ensure live-saving humanitarian aid to Syria: “Unconscionable to consider closing last border crossing when needs are at their highest”
العربية | English
26 May 2022

Syria’s abyss: UN Syria Commission warns of escalating violence, plummeting economy and a humanitarian disaster
العربية | English | French 
9 March 2022

UN panel welcomes landmark guilty verdict in Germany’s prosecution of former Syrian intelligence officer for crimes against humanity
14 January 2022

Human Rights Council President appoints Lynn Welchman of the United Kingdom to serve on Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic 
1 December 2021

”War against the Syrian people continues unabated” - UN Syria Commission of Inquiry to Third Committee of General Assembly
العربية | English | Français
25 October 2021

UN Syria Commission: Increasing violence and fighting add to Syria’s woes, making it unsafe for return 
13 September 2021

”Military solutions” in Syria have led to a decade of death, denial, and destruction - UN Syria Commission of Inquiry report
17 February 2021
العربية | English

COI Syria: No clean hands – behind the frontlines and the headlines, armed actors continue to subject civilians to horrific and increasingly targeted abuse 
14 September 2020 
العربية | English

Rampant human rights violations and war crimes as war-torn Idlib faces the pandemic UN Syria Commission of Inquiry report
6 July 2020
العربية | English

UN Commission of Inquiry on Syria: As global pandemic reaches Syria, fighting must stop and urgent steps taken to prevent an even greater tragedy
27 March 2020
العربية | English

UN Commission of Inquiry on Syria: Unprecedented levels of displacement and dire conditions for civilians in the Syrian Arab Republic
1 March 2020
العربية | English

Parties to the conflict must act immediately and collectively to bring meaningful respite to civilians in northwest Syria
4 February 2020
العربية | English

“They have erased the dreams of my children”: UN Commission of Inquiry on Syria Publishes Report on Children’s Rights over the course of the Syrian War
16 January 2020
العربية | English

All press releases...




Statement by Paulo Pinheiro, Chair of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic. 56th Session of the UN Human Rights Council
3 July 2024

Statement by Commissioner Lynn Welchman to seminar “It is a Forever Stigma: The Role of Gender Discrimination in the Syrian Government’s Detention and Torture System”
26 June 2024

Statement by Paulo Pinheiro, Chair of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic
18 March 2024

Statement by Paulo Pinheiro Chair of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic at 78th Session of the United Nations General Assembly Third Committee
24 October 2023

Statement by Paulo Pinheiro, Chair of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic
العربية | English
22 September 2023

Statement by Paulo Pinheiro, Chair of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic
5 July 2023

Commissioner Lynn Welchman's remarks to webinar: Gendered impact of the conflict in the Syrian Arab Republic on women and girls
12 June 2023

Statement by Paulo Pinheiro Chair of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry. 52nd Session of the UN Human Rights Council
21 March 2023

UN Syria Commission of Inquiry: Those responsible for atrocities during 12 years of violence must be brought to justice
17 March 2023

Statement by Mr. Paulo Sérgio Pinheiro, Chair of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic, at 77th Session of the United Nations General Assembly Third Committee
26 October 2022

Statement by Paulo Pinheiro, Chair of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic to 51st Session of the UN Human Rights Council Geneva, 22 September 2022
22 September 2022

Statement by Paulo Pinheiro Chair,Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic
50th Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council
29 June 2022

Statement by Paulo Pinheiro, Chair, UN Syria Commission
at Brussels VI Conference in support of the future of Syria and the region
Side event: Moving Forward on Truth and Justice: Addressing the crisis of missing persons and detention in Syria.
6 May 2022

Statement by Paulo Pinheiro, Chair of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic, to the 49th Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council
18 March 2022

Statement by Paulo Pinheiro, Chair of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic, to the 76th Session of the United Nations General Assembly, Third Committee 
25 October 2021

Statement by Commissioner Karen Koning AbuZayd of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic, to the 48th Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council
23 September 2021

Statement by Paulo Pinheiro, Chair of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic, to the 47th Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council
6 July 2021

Statements by the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic to the 46th Human Rights Council - Paulo Pinheiro, Chair and Commissioner Karen AbuZayd
11 March 2021

High-Level Panel Discussion on the Situation of Human Rights in the Syrian Arab Republic, 75th Session of the United Nations General Assembly - Statement by Mr. Paulo Sérgio Pinheiro, Chair of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic
2 March 2021

Statement by Mr. Paulo Sérgio Pinheiro, Chair of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic, at the 45th Human Rights Council session
22 September 2020

Press conference opening remarks by Mr. Paulo Sérgio Pinheiro, Chair of the Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic
15 September 2020

Statement by Mr. Paulo Sérgio Pinheiro, Chair of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic, at the 44th Human Rights Council session
العربية | English
14 July 2020

Press conference opening remarks by Mr. Paulo Sérgio Pinheiro, Chair of the Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic, on the special inquiry in Idlib region
العربية | English
7 July 2020

Statement by Mr. Paulo Sérgio Pinheiro, Chair of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic, at 43rd Human Rights Council session
9 March 2020

All statements…



Photos of COI Syria activities including presentations to the Human Rights Council and press encounters © UN Photo

Photos of COI Syria activities including presentations to the Human Rights Council and press encounters © UN Photo


HRC55 | "Syria Needs A Ceasefire Too" Paulo S. Pinheiro Tells Human Rights Councils - 18 March 2024

Syria Testimony: “They took him outside, killed him, and took away the body.”

Syria Testimony: "Anything I did, any movement, made them beat me."

Continuing patterns of torture, ill-treatment & disappearances in detention facilities across Syria

Testimonies recorded by the UN Syria Commission of Inquiry of Syrian detention and torture survivors

UN Commission Backs Investigation into Aid Response After Syria Earthquake | Press Conference - 13 March 2023

UN Syria Commission of Inquiry: Cluster Munitions Attack on Displacement Camps in Idlib - 13 March 2023

Yasmen’s story: Seeking answers about loved ones missing in Syria (Short version) - 18 March 2022

Syria: Tens of Thousands of People Are Waiting for Answers About Missing Loved Ones (Long version) - 9 December 2022

HRC51 | "Don't look away from Syria" implores Paulo Pinheiro - 14 September 2022

HRC50 | Update on Syria by Paulo Pinheiro, chair of the UN Syria Commission - 29 June 2022

Syria: Commission of Inquiry says the Syrian economy is in freefall Press conference highlights: launch of March 2022 Report - 9 March 2022

Syria: Paulo Pinheiro speaks to the UN General Assembly, 25 October 2021

Syria: The conflict is getting worse, says the UN commission of inquiry - 15 September 2021 

Paulo Pinheiro of Commission of Inquiry on Syria at the 47th Session of the Human Rights Council - 6 July 2021 

Violation in Detention Facilities in Syria - Report of the Commission of Inquiry of Syria - 1 March 2021 

Paulo Sérgio Pinheiro, Chairman of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry for Syria - 1 March 2021 

Report of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syria - 18 February 2021 

COI Syria report 44/61: Special inquiry into events in Idlib and surrounding areas - 7 July 2020 



For any query or to submit information, please contact:

Mailing address:
Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic
Palais des Nations
1211 Geneva 10

For media queries, please contact:

Johan Eriksson
Media Adviser
Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic
Landline: +41 22 917 8191
Mobile: +41 76 691 0411