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Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on the Islamic Republic of Iran

In its resolution S35/1, on the deteriorating situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Human Rights Council on 24 November 2022 decided to establish an independent international fact-finding mission on the Islamic Republic of Iran for a period of one year. On 4 April 2024, the Council voted to extend the Fact-Finding Mission’s mandate for an additional year through resolution 55/19.


With the adoption of resolution S35/1 of 24 November 2022, the Human Rights Council provided the Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on the Islamic Republic of Iran with the following mandate:

  1. To thoroughly and independently investigate alleged human rights violations in the Islamic Republic of Iran related to the protests that began on 16 September 2022, especially with respect to women and children;
  2. To establish the facts and circumstances surrounding the alleged violations;
  3. To collect, consolidate and analyse evidence of such violations and preserve evidence, including in view of cooperation in any legal proceedings;
  4. To engage with all relevant stakeholders, including the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran, relevant United Nations entities, human rights organizations and civil society.

After presenting an oral update to the Human Rights Council during an interactive dialogue at its fifty-third session and presenting a comprehensive report to the Council during an interactive dialogue at its fifty-fifth session, the Council on 4 April 2024 voted to extend the Fact-Finding Mission’s mandate for a further period of one year through resolution 55/19 to allow it to complete its mandate, including by ensuring that the large amount of evidence of human rights violations in the Islamic Republic of Iran related to the protests that began on 16 September 2022, especially with respect to women and children, is fully and effectively documented, verified, consolidated and preserved. The Council requested the Fact-Finding Mission to present a report and recommendations to the Human Rights Council at its fifty-eighth session during a joint interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur.

See the Terms of Reference (English | Farsi) of the Fact-Finding Mission.

Call for Submissions

Farsi/ فارسی

The FFMI invites individuals, groups and organizations to submit information and documentation relevant to its mandate. Please follow this link for more information.

…..از افراد، گروه ها و سازمان ها دعوت می کند تا اطلاعات و اسناد مربوط خود را به این لینک ….بفرستند


Press Releases

Iran: Institutional discrimination against women and girls enabled human rights violations and crimes against humanity in the context of recent protests, UN Fact-Finding Mission says
8 March 2024
English | Español | Farsi

Iran: On one-year anniversary of Jina Mahsa Amini’s death in custody, heightened repression of women and girls and reprisals against protesters and victims’ families is deeply troubling, UN Fact-Finding Mission says
14 September 2023
English | EspañolFarsi

Iran must end crackdown against protesters and uphold rights of all Iranians, especially women and girls, Fact-Finding Mission says
5 July 2023
English | EspañolFarsi 

Statement by the Iran Fact-Finding Mission on the Executions of Protesters
19 May 2023
English | Farsi

President of Human Rights Council appoints members of investigative body on Iran
20 December 2022


Open letter to the Islamic Parliament of Iran on the occasion of the opening of its 12th session
27 May 2024
English | Farsi

Statement by FFM Chair Sara Hossain, to the 55th session of Human Rights Council
18 March 2024
English | Farsi

Statement by FFM Chair Sara Hossain to the 53rd session of Human Rights Council
5 July 2023
English | Farsi


A/HRC/55/CRP.1: Detailed findings of the independent international fact-finding mission on the Islamic Republic of Iran
English (updated on 8 July 2024)
19 March 2024

A/HRC/55/67: Report of the Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on the Islamic Republic of Iran to the Human Rights Council
March 2024
العربية | 中文 | English | Français | русский | Español | Farsi

Fact Sheet on Torture:
English | Farsi

Human Rights Council resolution S35/1: deteriorating situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran, especially with respect to women and children
24 November 2022


Independent and Impartial: Iran Fact-Finding Mission

Independent and Impartial: Iran Fact-Finding Mission (Farsi Version)

Members of the Iran Fact-Finding Mission hold a press conference in Geneva on 5 July 2023

Interactive Dialogue, 23rd Meeting, 53rd Session of the Human Rights Council, 5 July 2023

Members of the Iran Fact-Finding Mission hold a press conference in Geneva on 18 March 2024

Statement by Fact-Finding Mission Chair Sara Hossain to the 55th session of Human Rights Council on 18 March 2024


The Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on the Islamic Republic of Iran:

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