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9. Resolution on the situation of fundamental rights in the European Union (2009) – effective implementation after the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon (2010)

(Adopted by the European Parliament, 2009/2161(INI), 15 December 2010)

The European Parliament,


The new post-Lisbon fundamental-rights architecture


11. Calls on the Commission and the Member States to raise awareness of the benefits of accession to the ECHR and of all the requirements to be fulfilled by the applicants, by developing guidelines on the adequate application and the effects of this additional mechanism in order to ensure that it can be used efficiently and effectively, as well as by including it in the training of all relevant professionals;

12. Welcomes, furthermore, the new horizontal obligations created by the Treaty of Lisbon to combat social exclusion and discrimination and to promote social justice and protection, equality between men and women, respect for private and family life, solidarity between generations and protection of the rights of the child, and to develop a common policy on asylum and immigration and combat trafficking in human beings, as well as its explicit reference to persons belonging to minorities, which reflects another founding value of the Union; welcomes the fact that the Union has acquired legal personality allowing it to accede to international treaties, the improvement in judicial protection with the extension of the jurisdiction of the CJ to areas of obvious relevance to the protection of fundamental rights, such as police and judicial cooperation in the field of criminal law, the strengthened role of the European Parliament and national parliaments in the European decision-making process, especially in evaluating the implementation of EU policy in the AFSJ, the increased role of European citizens, now invested with the power to initiate EU legislation through the European Citizens’ Initiative, and the obligation to maintain an open, transparent and regular dialogue with representative associations and civil society (Article 11(2) TEU);


The most pressing challenges of the new era


49. Recalls, therefore, all its resolutions, debates and findings from missions in 2009 on fundamental- rights issues, which have shown that there are many outstanding issues and specific cases of violation of fundamental rights, which require urgent concrete steps, mid-term strategies and long-term solutions, as well as follow-up by EU institutions; such as:


— promoting the social inclusion of the more vulnerable people through education and positive action, including those in prison, or former prisoners, and those serving alternative sentences, in addition to any other measures which foster their social rehabilitation,
