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维多·雨果(Victor Hugo )是一名来自哥伦比亚的人权维护者,也是考卡山谷省理事会协会(Association of Councils of Norte del Cauca)的法律代表。在这段视频中,他解释了《公约》为何对他的组织如此重要,为什么他们要尽全力出席委员会。

安吉·克鲁克申克(Angie Cruickshank)是一名来自哥斯达黎加的人权维护者,也是非裔哥斯达黎加青年全国网络(National Network of Afro-Costa Rican Youth)的总协调人。在视频中,她解释了在承认多元文化价值方面已取得了怎样的进展,而终结种族主义的战斗尚未结束。投资于青年和教育对确保未来世代继续推进并兑现《公约》承诺至关重要。

佛罗伦斯·埃杜阿德(Florencine Edouard)是一名来自法属圭亚那的人权维护者,也是圭亚那土著民族组织(Organisation des Nations Autochtones de Guyane)的总协调人。在视频中,她谈到了《消除种族歧视公约》在帮助消除世界各地所有形式歧视方面持续的重要性。.

罗沙丽娜·图玉克·贝拉斯科(Rosalina Tuyuc Velásquez)是危地马拉的人权维护者,也是危地马拉之窗(Widows of Guatemala)的国家协调员。她是卡其科尔族(Kaqchikel)玛雅人。在视频中,她谈到了《公约》对土著人民和社区的重要性,不仅在于保护其文化,还在于维护他们的土地和自然资源。

Human rights defenders talk about the importance of the Convention

Victor Hugo is a human rights defender from Colombia and the Legal Representative of the Association of Councils of Norte del Cauca. In this clip, he explains why the Convention is so important for his organization and why they make every effort to be represented before the Committee.

Angie Cruickshank is a human rights defender from Costa Rica and the General Coordinator of the National Network of Afro-Costa Rican Youth (Red Nacional de Juventud Afrocostarricense). In this clip, she explains how while progress has been made in recognizing the value of multiculturalism, the fight to end racism is not over. Investing in young people and education is essential to ensure that future generations continue making advances and delivering promise of the Convention.

Florencine Edouard is a human rights defender from French Guiana and the General Coordinator of ONAG, the Organisation des Nations Autochtones de Guyane. In this clip, she talks about the continuing importance of the Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination in helping to eradicate discrimination in all its forms, all over the world.

Rosalina Tuyuc Velásquez is a Guatemalan human rights defender and National Coordinator of the Widows of Guatemala. She comes from the Maya Kaqchikel People. In this clip, she talks about the importance of the Convention to indigenous peoples and communities, not only in terms of protecting their culture, but also in terms of safeguarding their land and natural resources.

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