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Call for inputs: Girls and young women’s activism

Issued by

Working Group on discrimination against women and girls


09 May 2022


Issued by Special Procedures


Girl children, Women

Symbol Number



In its report, the WG highlights the important contributions made by girls and young women from different regions and backgrounds to the promotion of gender equality and the advancement of human rights, along with the profound transformative potential of their activism.


The Working Group on discrimination against women and girls, in preparation for its thematic report to be presented at the 50th session of the Human Rights Council in June 2022, has been researching the topic of girls' and young women's activism focusing on accomplishments, challenges and opportunities for change. The scope of this questionnaire will cover the various aspects of girls' and young women's participation and activism in the political and public life at different levels.

In this regard, the Working Group would like to seek inputs from non-governmental organizations (NGOs), States and other stakeholders to inform the preparation of the report in line with its mandate to maintain a constructive approach and dialogue with States and other stakeholders.

The Working Group would greatly appreciate it if you could reply by 15 October 2021 to the following email address: Responses to the questionnaire will be made publicly available at the time of the report publication.

Inputs Received
Inputs Received

The Working Group is grateful to all stakeholders who responded to the questionnaire to inform the development of the report. Responses are listed below.

Member States

NGOs and Civil Society Organizations

National Human Rights Institutions

Other contributors