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Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine

Ukraine mapThe Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine was established by the Human Rights Council on 4 March 2022 according to resolution 49/1 to investigate all alleged violations and abuses of human rights, violations of international humanitarian law and related crimes in the context of the aggression against Ukraine by the Russian Federation.

The mandate of the Commission of Inquiry was extended by the Council on 4 April 2023 for a further period of one year in its resolution 52/32 (Russian / Ukrainian unofficial translation / German), and again on 4 April 2024 for an additional year through resolution 55/23, in which the Council requested the Commission to:

  • Provide an oral update to the Human Rights Council at its fifty-seventh session, to be followed by an interactive dialogue (September-October 2024).
  • Submit a report to the General Assembly at its seventy-ninth session, also to be followed by an interactive dialogue (October 2024).
  • Submit a comprehensive report to the Council at its fifty-eighth session, to be followed by an interactive dialogue (February-April 2025).



Press releases

Ukraine: UN Commission concerned by continuing patterns of violations of human rights and international humanitarian law
English | Русский | Ukrainian Українська
15 March 2024

Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine to Conduct Mission to the Country
English | Русский | Ukrainian Українська
9 November 2023

UN Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine finds continued war crimes and human rights violations gravely impacting civilians
English | Русский | Ukrainian Українська
20 October 2023

UN Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine finds continued systematic and widespread use of torture and indiscriminate attacks harming civilians
English | Русский | Ukrainian Українська
25 September 2023

Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine to Conduct Mission to the Country
English | Русский | Ukrainian Українська
24 August 2023

Human Rights Council President appoints Vrinda Grover to serve as member of Ukraine Commission of Inquiry
English | Русский | Ukrainian Українська
28 June 2023

War crimes, indiscriminate attacks on infrastructure, systematic and widespread torture show disregard for civilians, says UN Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine
English | Русский | Ukrainian Українська
16 March 2023

UN Commission has found an array of war crimes, violations of human rights and international humanitarian law have been committed in Ukraine
English | Русский | Ukrainian Українська
18 October 2022

UN Commission concludes that war crimes have been committed in Ukraine, expresses concern about suffering of civilians
English | Русский | Ukrainian Українська
23 September 2022

Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine to Conduct First Mission to the Country
English | Русский | Ukrainian Українська
3 June 2022

President of Human Rights Council appoints members of investigative body in Ukraine
English | РусскийUkrainian Українська
30 March 2022


Update by the Chair of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine, at the 55th session of the Human Rights Council
English | Русский | Ukrainian Українська
19 March 2024

Press statement by the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine, Palais des Nations, Geneva
English | Русский | Ukrainian Українська
15 March 2024

Statement by the Members of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine to the United Nations Security Council Arria-Formula Meeting, New York
English | Русский | Ukrainian Українська
27 October 2023

Statement by Erik Møse, Chair of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine, to the General Assembly Third Committee, New York
English | Русский | Ukrainian Українська
25 October 2023

Opening statement: Press conference by the Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine following the oral update at the 54th session of the Human Rights Council
English | Русский | Ukrainian Українська
25 September 2023

Update by the Chair of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine, at the 54th session of the Human Rights Council
English | Русский | Ukrainian Українська
25 September 2023

Statement at the end of the UN Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine’s visit to Kyiv
English | Русский | Ukrainian Українська
4 September 2023

Statement by Erik Møse, Chair of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine, at the 52d session of the Human Rights Council
English | Русский | Ukrainian Українська
20 March 2023

Opening statement: Press conference by the Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine for the launch of its comprehensive report at the 52d session of the Human Rights Council
English | Русский | Ukrainian Українська
16 March 2023

Statement at the end of the UN Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine’s visit to Kyiv
English | Русский | Ukrainian Українська
2 December 2022

Update by the Chair of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine, at the 51st session of the Human Rights Council
English | Русский | Ukrainian Українська
23 September 2022

Opening statement: Press conference by the Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine the conclusion of its first visit to Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
English | Русский | Ukrainian Українська
15 June 2022

Statement by Mr. Erik Møse, Chair of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine, at the 34th special session of the Human Rights Council on “The deteriorating human rights situation in Ukraine stemming from the Russian aggression”
12 May 2022

Statement by Mr Erik Møse, Chair of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine, to United Nations Security Council Arria Formula Meeting
27 April 2022


Report of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine to the Human Rights Council (A/HRC/55/66)
English | Русский | Ukrainian Українська
15 March 2024

Report of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine to the UN General Assembly (A/78/540)
English | Русский | Ukrainian Українська
20 October 2023

Conference Room Paper of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine (A/HRC/52/CRP.4)
29 August 2023

Report of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine to the Human Rights Council (A/HRC/52/62)
English | Русский | Ukrainian Українська
16 March 2023

Infographic: Report of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine to the Human Rights Council

English | Русский | Ukrainian Українська

Report of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine to the UN General Assembly
18 October 2022

Call for submissions

The Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine invites individuals, groups and organizations to submit information and documentation relevant to its mandate. The deadline for submission is before 1 August 2024.


The Commission of Inquiry’s mandate according to resolution 49/1:

  • To investigate all alleged violations and abuses of human rights and violations of international humanitarian law, and related crimes in the context of the aggression against Ukraine by the Russian Federation, and to establish the facts, circumstances and root causes of any such violations and abuses; 
  • To collect, consolidate and analyze evidence of such violations and abuses, including their gender dimension, and to systematically record and preserve all information, documentation and evidence, including interviews, witness testimony and forensic material, consistent with international law standards, in view of any future legal proceedings; 
  • To document and verify relevant information and evidence, including through field engagement, and to cooperate with judicial and other entities, as appropriate; 
  • To identify, where possible, those individuals and entities responsible for violations or abuses of human rights or violations of international humanitarian law, or other related crimes, in Ukraine, with a view to ensuring that those responsible are held accountable; 
  • To make recommendations, in particular on accountability measures, all with a view to ending impunity and ensuring accountability, including, as appropriate, individual criminal responsibility, and access to justice for victims. 

In addition to its general mandate, the Commission of Inquiry was given a special mandate to look into the events in the areas of Kyiv, Chernihiv, Kharkiv and Sumy regions in late February and in March 2022 in accordance with the resolution S-34/1 .

The mandate of the Commission of Inquiry was extended by the Council on 4 April 2023 for a further period of one year in its resolution 52/32 (Russian / Ukrainian unofficial translation / German), and again on 5 April 2024 for an additional year through resolution A/HRCD/55/L.25, in which the Council requested the Commission to:

  • Provide an oral update to the Human Rights Council at its fifty-seventh session, to be followed by an interactive dialogue (September-October 2024).
  • Submit a report to the General Assembly at its seventy-ninth session, also to be followed by an interactive dialogue (October 2024).
  • Submit a comprehensive report to the Council at its fifty-eighth session, to be followed by an interactive dialogue (February-April 2025).

Frequently Asked Questions


The Commission Reports Latest Findings to the Human Rights Council, 19 March 2024

The Commission Reports Latest Findings to the Human Rights Council, 19 March 2024

Erik Møse, Chair of the Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine interviewed for UN News Service, 15 March 2024

Erik Møse, Chair of the Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine interviewed for UN News Service, 15 March 2024

Press conference to launch the Commission’s report on 15 March 2024

Press conference to launch the Commission’s report on 15 March 2024

Meeting at the Ministry for Communities, Territories and Infrastructure Development of Ukraine, 15 November 2023.

Meeting at the Ministry for Communities, Territories and Infrastructure Development of Ukraine, 15 November 2023.


The Commissioners meet Dmytro Lubinets, Ukraine's Parliamentary Commissioner for Human Rights, 15 November 2023.

The Commissioners meet Dmytro Lubinets, Ukraine's Parliamentary Commissioner for Human Rights, 15 November 2023.

Meeting with First Deputy Minister of Health of Ukraine Serhii Dubrov, 14 November 2023.

Meeting with First Deputy Minister of Health of Ukraine Serhii Dubrov, 14 November 2023.

The Commission participated in the Human Rights Fair in Vienna, which was visited by Austrian Federal Minister for European and International Affairs Alexander Schallenberg; UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk; Director-General of the United Nations Office at Vienna Ghada Waly and Deputy Mayor of Vienna and Deputy Governor Christoph Wiederkehr, 6 June 2023.

The Commission participated in the Human Rights Fair visited by high-level officials including Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk, Vienna, June 2023.

Erik Møse, Chair of the Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine, speaking to a journalist at the press conference in Geneva, 16 March 2023.

Erik Møse, Chair of the Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine, speaking to a journalist at the press conference in Geneva, 16 March 2023.

Commissioner Pablo de Greiff at the press conference in Geneva, 16 March 2023.

Commissioner Pablo de Greiff at the press conference in Geneva, 16 March 2023.

Members of the Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine hold a press conference in Geneva on 16 March 2023.

Erik Møse, chair of the Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine, speaks at a press conference in Kyiv on 2 December 2022.

Members of the Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine hold a press conference in Kyiv on 2 December 2022.

Members of the Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine hold a press conference in Kyiv on 2 December 2022.

Members of the Commission undertook their first visit to Ukraine in early June 2022, visiting several towns and cities.

The first trip of the Commissioners to Ukraine took place in June 2022.


HRC55 | UN Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine Reports Latest Findings to the Human Rights Council

Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine press conference in Geneva, 15 March 2024

The Members of the Commission delivering a statement at the UN Security Council Arria-Formula Meeting, 27 October 2023

The Commissioners participating in an interactive dialogue at the UN General Assembly Third Committee, 25 October 2023

Chair of the Commission Erik Møse delivering the oral update to the Human Rights Council, 25 September 2023

The Commissioners visit to Ukraine on 28 August – 4 September 2023

Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine press conference in Geneva on 25 September, 2023

Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine press conference in Kyiv on 4 September, 2023

The Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine investigates violations and abuses of human rights, violations international humanitarian law and related crimes in the context of the aggression against Ukraine by the Russian Federation.

Statement by Erik Møse, Chair of the Commission of Inquiry, to the Human Rights Council on 20 March 2023

Members of the Commission of Inquiry held a press conference in Geneva on 16 March 2023 to share the findings of their comprehensive report

Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine press conference on 23 September 2022

Ukraine Commissioners meet the press following their first mission to the country on 15 June 2022

Members of the Commission of Inquiry held a press conference in Kyiv on 2 December 2022 at the end of their visit to Ukraine

Ukraine Commissioners meet the press following their first mission to the country on 15 June 2022


For any query or to submit information, please contact:

Mailing address:
Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine
Vienna International Centre
Wagramer Strasse 5
A-1220 Vienna

For media queries, please contact:

Saule Mukhametrakhimova
Media Adviser
Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine
Mobile: +43 (0) 676 349 3464 
Web: CoI-Ukraine