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Call for submission of written contribution to the expert workshop on possible ways to enhance the participation of Indigenous Peoples in the work of the Human Rights Council

Issued by


presented to

HRC at its 53rd session, June-July 2023


Issued by Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights


Public participation, Human Rights Council, Indigenous Peoples

Symbol Number



The present report is submitted pursuant to Human Rights Council resolution 48/11. It summarizes the proceedings of the expert workshop on possible ways to enhance the participation of Indigenous Peoples in the work of the Human Rights Council, held from 21 to 24 November 2022. It contains summaries of the opening statements and of the discussions held on venues of participation, participation modalities, selection criteria and selection mechanisms, as well as the recommendations resulting from the discussions held on those topics. A list of those who contributed to the discussions is presented in the annex.



Call for submission of written contribution to the expert workshop on possible ways to enhance the participation of Indigenous Peoples in the work of the Human Rights Council.

Key questions and types of inputs and comments sought

  1. Venues of participation:  under this heading participants will discuss the opportunity for Indigenous Peoples’ representatives and institutions to participate in meetings of the Human Rights Council, including the interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the rights of Indigenous Peoples; the interactive dialogue with the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples; and annual half-day discussions, panels and intersessional activities on the rights of Indigenous Peoples.
  1. How could the existing level of participation of Indigenous Peoples’ representatives and institutions at the Human Rights Council be enhanced in order to be effective and meaningful?
  2. To which venues would a new separate category of participation of Indigenous Peoples’ representatives and institutions in the Human Rights Council give access to?
  3. Which criteria should be considered when deciding which meetings of the Human Rights Council should include the participation of Indigenous Peoples’ representatives and institutions?
  1. Participation modalities: under this heading participants will assess the modalities under which Indigenous Peoples already participate in other United Nations mechanisms, such as the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, to see whether any aspects of those modalities could be applicable to the work of the Human Rights Council. This would include the right to speak at specific times, to make written submissions and adequate seating arrangements. The current participation modalities in, as well as the procedures and practices of, the Human Rights Council within the existing Institution Building package, will also be considered.
  1. What are the current gaps and challenges in terms of existing procedures and practices?
  2. What measures could be taken to overcome those gaps and challenges, and at what level?
  3. What kind of arrangements can be foreseen to ensure effective and meaningful participation of Indigenous Peoples’ representatives and institutions?
  1. Selection mechanism: under this heading participants will discuss the nature and composition of a body/mechanism that will determine the eligibility of Indigenous People’s representatives and institutions for accreditation as well as the details of the process. Participants may also assess the characteristics of existing selection mechanisms in other UN or regional bodies for eligibility of Indigenous People’s representatives and institutions.
  1. How would a new mechanism for the accreditation of Indigenous Peoples’ representatives and institutions facilitate the process?
  2. What would be the nature and the membership of such mechanism?
  3. Which powers would the mechanism have? Which other existing UN bodies could be involved in the decision on accreditations? How would its decisions be appealed and by whom?
  1. Selection criteria: under this heading participants will discuss the criteria for determining the eligibility of Indigenous Peoples’ representatives and Institutions for accreditation as such; the type of Indigenous Peoples’ representatives and institutions that may qualify for a new category of participation and the designation of individual representatives of Indigenous Peoples.
  1. What factors should be considered to assess if applicants represent Indigenous Peoples’ institutions?
  2. Which credentials would be necessary for Indigenous Peoples’ institutions to be considered eligible?
  3. Which process would the new established mechanism apply in granting the status of the new category of participation? Are there similar existing accreditations processes that could be considered?