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Days of general discussion DGD

Day of general discussion on the consultation and involvement of persons with disabilities in decision-making and monitoring processes, 2018


11 June 2018

Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

A day of general discussion was held on Monday 11 June 2018, during the Civil Society Forum of the Eleventh Conference of States parties to the Convention.

The day of general discussion aimed to identify the key issues that the general comment needs to address regarding the implementation of articles 4(3) and 33(3) of the Convention. The Committee has among others encountered the need for clarification of the defining elements of ‘representative organizations’ of persons with disabilities and ‘individuals with disabilities’ as to referring to those cases where representative organizations do not necessarily include all constituencies (i.e. persons with psychosocial disabilities), including the use of terminology, as well as regarding the scope of involvement of organizations of parents and relatives of persons with disabilities, and on how to include all groups of persons with disabilities in decision-making and monitoring processes, regardless of their cultural, sexual and political background.

Moreover, the scope, criteria and legal effect of the involvement of persons with disabilities, through representative organizations, as well as the obligation to ‘consult closely’ and ‘actively involve’ persons with disabilities, through their representative organizations, in decision-making and monitoring processes, remains vague and divergent from one State party to another.

The Committee calls for highlighting and identifying good practices with regard to the implementation of articles 4 (3) and 33 (3) at the national level, including the direct engagement with representative organizations of women with disabilities, representative organizations of children with disabilities, organizations of self-advocates composed of and representing persons with intellectual disabilities, as well as representative organisations of persons with psychosocial disabilities and/or individuals with psychosocial disabilities, and the establishment of permanent consultation mechanisms with representative organizations of persons with disabilities.

Background documentation

General comments and other key documents by the CRPD Committee:

General comments by other treaty bodies:

Inputs received

May 2018 - Written submissions on Article 4.3 and 33.3 - Participation with persons with disabilities in the implementation and monitoring of the Convention

International organizations
NHRIs, independent monitoring frameworks and other national institutions
Organizations of persons with disabilities/DPOs
Civil society organizations/NGOs
Academia and other individuals
United Nations
27 August 2018 - Statements on Article 4.3 and 33.3 - Participation with persons with disabilities in the implementation and monitoring of the Convention