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Ninth session of the Forum on Minority Issues


24 - 25 November 2016


Room XX of the Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland

The ninth session of the Forum took place on 24 and 25 November 2016 in Room XX of the Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland. Mr Mario Yutzis was appointed as Chair of the session, which focussed on "Minorities in situations of humanitarian crises".

Around 500 participants took part in the session. The wide range of stakeholders included persons belonging to national, ethnic, linguistic and religious minorities who are actively engaged in minority rights advocacy and diverse areas of work related to the protection and promotion of the rights of minorities, as well as experts in the field of humanitarian assistance.

The ninth session of the Forum on Minority issues reflected on the specific needs of and disproportionate impacts on minorities in times of humanitarian crisis such as conflict, disaster and pandemics. The participants worked on a set of draft recommendations regarding minorities in situations of humanitarian crises and strive to identify additional recommendations for states, intergovernmental and non-governmental humanitarian actors to ensure non-discrimination and respect and promotion of minority rights at all stages of any humanitarian crisis. 

Outcome documents

Further information

Side Events

Oral statements delivered at the Forum

Agenda Item 1 Opening remarks:

Agenda Item 2 Legal Framework and Key Concept

List of Speakers:

  1. European Union of Coptic Organisation for Human Rights
  2. Patriotic Vision
  3. Bangladesh Hindu Buddhist and Christians Unity Council Europe
  4. Austrian Coptic Association
  5. Southern Mongolian Human Rights Information Center
  6. Montenegro
  7. United Copts of Great Britain
  8. Khiam Rehabilitation Center for Victims of Torture
  9. Dutch Coptic Association
  10.  Association for Human Rights in Kurdistan of Iran - Geneva
  11. Islamic Republic of Iran
  12. Patriotic Arab Democratic Movement in Ahwaz (PADMAZ)
  13. Direction aux Affaires Savoisiennes
  14. Association Culturelle Kurde de Genève
  15. Argentina
  16. ADF International (Alliance Defending Freedom)
  17. Georgia
  18. Association des Nations de l’Hexagone
  19. Peoples’ Republic of China
  20. Kurdocide-Watch
  21. United States of America
  22. European Union
  23. Triest NGO
  24. Colombia
  25. Council of Europe – Advisory Committee on the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities
  26. Ecumenical Federation of Constantinopolitans
  27. Chaldean International League [Arabic]
  28. Ahwazi Centre for Human Rights

Agenda Item 3 Preventing or mitigating the impact of humanitarian crises on minorities


  1. Russian Federation
  2. Kurdish Center for Legal Studies - YASA
  3. Organization for Defending Victims of Violence (ODVV)
  4. Jaffna Civil Society for Equality (JCSE)
  5. OHCHR
  6. Association pour la Promotion de la Francophonie en Flandre (APFF)
  7. Institute for the Protection of Minority Rights
  8. National Campaign for Dalit Human Rights (International Dalit Solidarity Network)
  9. Asociatia Pro Regio Siculorum
  10. Pouya Institute for Communications and Social Development
  11. Iraq
  12. Yazidi Child Survivor from ISIS Camp
  13. Nareen Shammo
  14. African Rights Monitor
  15. Republic of Indonesia
  16. Organisation of Kurmanj People
  17. Civic Engagement Movement
  18. Anti-Discrimination Centre Memorial
  19. China Ethnic Minorities Association for External Exchanges (CEMAEE)
  20. Federation of Western Thrace Turks in Europe (ABTTF)
  21. World Barua Organization
  22. Austria
  23. Yezidis Cultural Centre
  24. Yazidis Foundation - Netherlands
  25. IRA – Mauritanie
  26. AfriForum
  27. Ogaden Peoples’ Rights Organisation (OPRO)
  28. Liberation
  29. Trieste United INGO
  30. Voices for Peace
  31. World Uyghur Congress
  32. Freedom Front Plus
  33. Comitato per il Censimento e il Riconoscimento del Popolo Veneto
  34. Ogaden Young Women Group
  35. Mbororo Social and Cultural Development Association
  36. ARC.DH Association for the Defence for People of Azerbaijan
  37. Information Group on Crimes Against the Person (IGCP)
  38. Balochistan Human Rights Group
  39. Ahwaz Human Rights Organization

Agenda item 4 Protecting minority rights during crises


  1. Austria
  2. Minority Rights Group Europe
  3. Association Solidarité Internationale pour la Paix
  4. Finland
  5. Kurdish Committee for Human Rights in Syria
  6. Pakistan (on behalf of the OIC)
  7. Centre Zagros pour les Droits de l’Homme
  8. Italy
  9. Zero Discrimination Association [Turkish]
  10. Hungary
  11. Greece
  12. Norway
  13. Mr Andra Bethlendi
  14. Minority Rights Group
  15. Ukraine
  16. UN Fellow for People of African Descent
  17. Council Popular of Chaldean Syriac Assyrians
  18. Stichting Hope for Niger Delta Campaign
  19. Anglophone Cameroon Bloggers Network
  20. Roma Women Network from Moldova
  21. Asian Institute of Poverty Alleviation – India
  22. Maloca Internationale
  23. Christian Democratic Union of Poles in Vinnytsia
  24. International Movement Against All Forms of Discrimination and Racism
  25. Mr Makarios Al Qomos Samuel
  26. Maspero Youth Union
  27. Crimean Tatar Resource Center, Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People
  28. International Educational Development (INC)
  29. People’s Empowerment Foundation
  30. Iraq

Agenda Item 5: Recovering from crisis: ensuring durable solutions


  1. Pakistan
  2. Nepal National Dalit Social Welfare Organisation (NNDSWO)
  3. Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights
  4. Argentina
  5. Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization
  6. TAU South Africa
  7. Egypt
  8. Association du Développement et de la Promotion des Droits de l’Homme
  9. Women’s Group for Human Rights
  10. Armenia
  11. South Africa
  12. Canada
  13. Ms Sanaa Al neamat
  14. Syrian Arab Republic
  15. The Union of Hungarian Students in Vojvodina
  16. Mr Jalal Lazgeen
  17. Russian Federation
  18. Pakistan Dalit Solidarity Network
  19. Ms Saba Al-nadawi
  20. OHCHR Minority Fellows
  21. Georgia Reforms Associates Grass
  22. International Council Supporting Fair Trial and Human Rights
  23. Sawa Organisation for Human Rights
  24. Romania
  25. Hungarian Round Table in Slovakia
  26. Association for the Human Rights of the Azerbaijani People in Iran
  27. Red Mujeres Afro Latinoamericanas Caribeñas Diaspora
  28. Hungarian Cultural Association of Transcarpathia
  29. Peace Makers
  30. National Papoea Vereniging
  31. Ms Suham Vacek
  32. Ahwaz Education and Human Rights Foundation
  33. Acheh-Sumatra National Liberation Front (ASNLF)
  34. Republic of Indonesia
  35. People’s Republic of China
  36. Ethiopia
  37. Iraq
  38. Serbia
  39. Islamic Republic of Iran

Closing Statements