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Call for contributions: academic freedom and freedom of expression in educational institutions

Issued by

Special Rapporteur on the right to education


25 April 2024

presented to

Human Rights Council Fifty-sixth session


Issued by Special Procedures



Symbol Number



In her new report to the Human Rights Council, Special Rapporteur examines the right to academic freedom from a right to education perspective. She proposes considering academic freedom as an autonomous human right grounded in several provisions of international law. She draws attention to the set of Principles for Implementing the Right to Academic Freedom, drafted by a working group of United Nations experts, scholars, and civil society actors, based on and reflecting the status of international law and practice. Endorsement and implementation of these Principles would allow a better state of academic freedom worldwide.


“In this report, the Special Rapporteur proposes considering academic freedom as an autonomous human right grounded in several provisions of international law, which all researchers, educators and students are entitled to, at all levels of education, taking into consideration the developing capacities and maturity of students.

Academic freedom is at the heart of scientific progress, contributes to building knowledge as a public and a common good for the benefit of societies and democracy, and is a condition for the realization of the right to education at all levels. However, it is yet to be accepted as being as crucial as a free press or independent judiciary. It is under attack through direct and violent repression, as well as through more subtle methods, including funding and commodification, which result in or aim at controlling public opinion and introduce deeply worrying biases in academic research and free thinking.

Academic freedom has four interdependent pillars: the right to teach, to engage in discussions and debates inside (including in classrooms) and outside educational spaces, to conduct research, and to disseminate opinions and research results. It is the freedom to access, disseminate and produce information; to think freely; and develop, express, apply and engage with a diversity of knowledge within or related to one’s expertise or field of study. Its exercise carries special duties to seek truth and impart information according to ethical and professional standards, and to respond to contemporary problems and needs of all members of society. This requires understanding the vitality of free expression in teaching, to review the concept of “neutrality” in education, and to reconsider processes for accrediting school textbooks and materials and imposing or prohibiting specific subjects from curricula, having in mind the aims of education under international human rights law. 

The SR draws attention to the set of Principles for Implementing the Right to Academic Freedom (available versions in English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese), drafted by a working group of United Nations experts, scholars, and civil society actors, based on and reflecting the status of international law and practice. She calls for the endorsement and implementation of these Principles.”


To prepare this report, the Special Rapporteur held an experts’ consultation in October 2023 in Geneva, organized by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, followed by a series of online consultations to deepen understanding around specific dimensions of academic freedom. See the list of experts who have contributed to these consultations.

To collect views and experiences, a questionnaire was widely distributed.

Key questions and types of input sought

The Special Rapporteur is inviting input from States, United Nations agencies, funds and programmes, national human rights institutions, academics, scientists, educators, as well as civil society organizations.

Inputs Received
Inputs Received







El Salvador: note verbale | input

Germany: note verbale | input

Guatemala: note verbale | input-1 | input-2


Kenya: note verbale | input-1 | input-2 | input-3

Lithuania: note verbale | input


Mexico: note verbale | input





Russian Federation: input-1 | input-2



Uruguay: note verbale | input


Commissioner for Human Rights of Poland


People's Advocate of Albania

Public Defender of Georgia

Slovak Center for Human Rights

UN entities


National mechanism

Public Defender of Rights Czech Republic


Academia SG (Singapore)

ACLU-American Civil Liberties Union: input | annex

Adalah (Israel): input-1 | input-2

AF4WR-Australian Feminists for Women’s Rights

AFTE_Association for Freedom of Thought and Expression (Egypt)

ALLI asbl (Luxembourg)

Alliance of Concerned Teachers (Philippines)

ARC_Association of Reintegration of Crimea: input-1 | input-2

Aula Abierta (The Americas)

BRISMES_British Society for Middle Eastern Studies (United Kingdom)

Canadian Association of University Teachers

CCIU_Civil Council for the Implementation of the ILO/UNESCO Recommendations on Hinomaru Kimigayo (Japan): input | annex

CDBU_The Council for the Defence of British Universities

Centro para la Paz y Derechos Humanos de la Universidad Central de Venezuela

CGIL-Federazione Lavoratori della Conoscenza

Civil society contribution on teachers’ and professors’ freedom of expression in Brazil: input | annex-1 | annex-2

CLASCO_Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales (Argentina)

CLASCO_Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales (Peru)

CLC_Critical Legal Collective (United States)

DM Denmark_Danish Association of Masters and PhDs

EGITIM SEN_Education and Science Workers Union (Turkey)

Fédération québécoise des Professeures et Professeurs d'Université

FENASOPADRES_Federación Nacional de Sociedades de Padres y Representantes (Venezuela)

FNE_Federação Nacional da Educação (Portugal)

Geledés (Brazil)

GERAK_Malaysian Academic Movement

Global School Forum

HRD-Human Rights Defenders (Turkey)

Human Rights Watch

IDDH_Instituto de Desenvolvimento e Direitos Humanos and BCRE_Brazilian Campaign for the Right to Education: input-1 | input-2

IGLYO_International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, and Intersex Youth and Student Organization

Independent Jewish Voices (Canada)

Independent Jewish Voices Canada

Iniciativa Puentes por los Estudiantes de Nicaragua

Innovative Trans-border Solutions Association (Bulgaria)

International Community of Iranian Academics

IT for Change

Japan Federation of Publishing Workers Unions

Japan Teachers Union

KIKA_Indonesian Caucus for Academic Freedom

LAUT_Centro de Análise da Liberdade e do Autoritarismo (Brazil)

Maat for Peace, Development and Human Rights

MESA_Middle East Studies Association of North America

NAR_Norwegian Association of Researchers

Network in Defense of Historical Truth and Academic Freedom (Philippines)

New Humanity

OAJ_Trade Union of Education in Finland and FUURT_Finnish Union of University Teachers and Researchers: input | annex

ODHULA_Observatorio de Derechos Humanos de la Universidad de Los Andes (Venezuela)

OIDEL: input-1 | input-2

OLA_Observatorio de Libertad Académica (Cuba)

Ordo Iuris Institute for Legal Culture (Poland)

Organization to Support the Lawsuits for Freedom of Education in Tokyo

Oxford Human Rights Hub

Palestine Polytechnic University

Pen America and Pen International

Privacy International: input-1 | input-2

RCDJ_Organization for the Rights of Children with Disabilities (Japan): input | annex

Red Internacional de Derechos Humanos Europa (RIDHE), Aula Abierta, la Coordinadora Universitaria por la Democracia y la Justicia, la Unidad Juvenil y Estudiantil y Acción Universitaria (Nicaragua)

Red Nacional de Derechos Humanos (Peru)

Respect Protect Fulfill (Belarus)

Riverstone Village 192-488NPO (South Africa)

SAES_Syndicat autonome de l'enseignement supérieur (Senegal)

SAGES_Syndicat des AGrégés de l’Enseignement Supérieur (France)

SAIH_Norwegian Students and Academics International Assistance Fund

SAJC_South Asia Justice Campaign

SAR_CAFA_Scholars at Risk and Coalition for Academic Freedom in the Americas (United States)

SAR_Scholars at Risk (China)

SAR_Scholars at Risk_Sweden Section

Seta Project Action Aid (Brazil)

Sphere Foundation (Russian Federation)

SUHF_The Association of Swedish Higher Education Institutions

Swedish Association of University Teachers and Researchers

Swedish National Union of Students

UniKuir_University Queer Research and LGBTI+ Solidarity Association (Turkey): input | annex | annex-1 | annex-2 | annex-3

United States of Kailasa

University of Miami School of Law Human Rights Clinic

WJC_World Jewish Congress: input-1 | input-2 | input-3 | input-4 | input-5 | input-6 | input-7


Andras L. Pap

Antonio D. Salazar Jr. and Audrey Eurielle G. Dayata

Antoon De Baets

Arijit Chowdhury

Dmitry Dubrovskiy and Katarzyna Kaczmarska

Group of scholars working in German academic institutions: input | annex-1 | annex-2

Jan De Groof: input-1 | input-2

Klaus D. Beiter

Kwadwo Appiagyei-Atua

Melissa Hernández González and Mario Zúñiga Núñez

Nicolás Lynch Gamero

Pázmány Péter Catholic University (Hungary)

Terence Karran: input | annex-1 | annex-2 | annex-3 | annex-4

Tim Crowley (Ireland)